Daily Crux reader,
Here is your Crux update:
The last time this happened, tech stocks crashed 80%
Little-followed speculative indicator hits levels not seen since February 2000...
Nine common foods you should never eat
"Many have been heavily promoted as being healthy when they are nothing more than junk..."
Controversial op-ed: This could be the most important moment in U.S. history
"The American government is supposed to serve the people..."
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Is this man deceptive... or can he make you rich?
A Minnesota man claims his income secret has produced a phenomenal track record and has even helped an Iowa man make $100,000 over a three-month period.
So why are some people accusing him of "cooking the books” and that he's a "charlatan" reporting "phony profits"?
If you're only watching U.S. stocks, you could be missing this
"Equities outside the U.S. are sending a message..."
A huge market divergence almost no one is paying attention to
"A chart that keeps me up at night..."
Warning: The government's surveillance program could be more dangerous than we ever imagined
A controversial report you have to see to believe...
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Posted by
Britannia Radio