Friday, 19 July 2013
17 July 2013
Published in: Melanie's Blog
Ever since the then Labour Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown declared that he wanted London to become a global centre of Islamic banking, successive politicians have drooled over the funds pouring into Britain from the apparently ever-open cash spigot of the Islamic world.
Some of us have warned that such an attitude by British politicians is as naïve and potentially lethal as it is greedy. Much if not all of this money comprises yet another weapon in the armoury of the global Islamic jihad.
For it all comes with an IOU – that somewhere down the line, those who benefit from these investments, donations or other forms of funding by the Islamic world will need to bend the knee in some way to the tenets of Islam or the political demands of the Islamic world.
Needless to say, such warnings have been dismissed as scare-mongering and bigotry. So when Emirates Airline sponsored the cable-car across the Thames which was installed during the London Olympics last year, any gulps were drowned out.
Now, however, the MayorWatch website has revealed that the contract published this week by Transport for London between Docklands Light Railway and Emirates Airline shows TfL agreed to abide by the foreign policy of United Arab Emirates when entering into any further contracts relating to the cable car.
It cannot sell or assign a ‘material part’ of the cable car to a ‘conflicting person’ – defined as
‘any person who is a national of, or who is registered, incorporated, established or whose principal place of business is in a country with which the United Arab Emirates does not at the date of this Contract or at any relevant point during the Term maintain diplomatic relations’.
Three guesses which country that might be? Yup – Boris signed a deal with a discriminatory exclusion clause against Israel. It would prevent TfL, for example, from financing the cable-car through Israeli banks.
MayorWatch adds this nugget:
‘News of the prohibition follows last year’s attempt by Emirates to make visitors to the cable car’s official micro-site subject to Dubai Law.’
The cable-car contract is arguably illegal. It is certainly not decent. And it represents another nail in Britain’s cultural coffin. But of course, it’s ‘Islamophobic’ to point any of this out, isn’t it?
UPDATE: Apparently, Boris had no idea... and Emirates is only too delighted to change the contract...
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Britannia Radio