A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar Yonah
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It's been 9 years since a 'human chain' was formed stretching from Gush Katif to Jerusalem in an attempt to stop the government from pulling Jews out of Gush Katif. Do loving and positive demonstrations work, or only angry demonstrations like we see taking place in Egypt and other Arab countries?
Tamar speaks with former Gush Katif resident, Shifra Shomron, author of the book, "
Grains Of Sand: The Fall Of Neve Dekalim" 8 years after the unilateral withdrawal, and examines what has happened since, to Gush Katif residents, and where they are now.
Shifra Hoffman addresses the immoral request by U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry, to PM Netanyahu, to release convicted terrorists, in order to woo PLO chairman Mahmoud Abbas back to the peace talks. Also, an Arab man calling in from Europe, states that he
supports Israel and wants other Muslims to do so as well.
Arutz Sheva Sr. News Editor,
Chana Ya'ar joins
Tamar and talks about
the top news stories in the Mid East.
I.Q. Al Rassooli enlightens us about a Qatari Movie entitled, ""Khayber", and Political Editor of The Middle East Magazine,
Adel Darwish, gives his take on the latest developments in Egypt and Syria.
Topics include:
1) Nine years since the Human Chain from Gush Katif to Jerusalem. Where are they now?
2) The meaning of Tisha B'Av today. What is the relevance today?
3) The PM of Israel appeases John Kerry after his visit, by agreeing to releasing convicted terrorists?
4) A new Arab movie from QATAR - What it's about?
5) The Egyptian and Syrian turmoil today.
Tamar Yonah is the daughter of a Holocaust survivor. Her father survived the Nazi brutalities and after liberation, made his way to the shores of the British Palestine Mandate, where again fighting for his survival, fought in Israel's war of Independence. This made a great impression on her life and she too has been fighting for Israel by serving in the Israeli army & air force, and afterwards by becoming an activist for Israel and the Jewish nation. She has been a vocal beacon of light since beginning a prolific career in radio. She hosts The Tamar Yonah Show - Israel's most popular English language radio talk show. She also writes a biting and sometimes humorous, award winning blog that discusses current events, religion and politics. www.israelnationalnews.com/Blogs/Blog.aspx/3# You can email Tamar at: Tamar@IsraelNationalRadio.com