Daily Crux reader,
Here is today's Crux update:
These charts could be predicting an epic bear market in U.S. Treasurys
"There is a good chance the late 2012 high will not be seen again..."
Good news: Appeals court strikes down NYC mayor's unconstitutional "soda ban"
"Illegal overreach of executive power..."
If you have a student headed to college this fall, you could get a huge tax break
"The idea is rather straightforward..."
Five reasons the Federal Reserve will "taper" in September
"Little doubt remains at this stage..."
New report reveals facts about NSA spying that could shock even the most cynical American
"It's all done with no need to go to a court, with no need to even get supervisor approval..."
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Think Obamacare is bad? Wait until you see this…
A Washington DC-area financial journalist says there's something brewing within the Obama administration that will soon dwarf Obamacare. He says this new development will affect not only your health care, but also your bank account… your investments… your retirement… your house… and your job. Get the facts for yourself.
Controversial post: Report claims Obama is literally trying to erase his history
"Such acts of courage and patriotism should be encouraged rather than stifled..."
Must-see: You'll never guess who is warning about the dangers of the Federal Reserve's insane policies
"One might as well try to perform brain surgery with a sledgehammer..."
Gov't INSANITY: Spain just levied one of the dumbest taxes in history
"Fines as much as 30 million euros for those who illegally gather sunlight..."
Two things every "small cap" investor should keep an eye on now
"This is a big week..."
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
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Britannia Radio