Is Miliband Lying Through His Teeth And Does The BBC Care?
Cheap Shot
BBC journalist: “We all love the NHS; no debate”
Noxious Lefty Bias
Sunday, 7 July 2013
HARRIET TO THE RESCUE---NEVER FORGET?---Is Miliband Lying Through His Teeth And Does The BBC Care?---
The story so far. Red Ed has problems with Red Len, so what to do? How about sending Harriet Harman onto the Marr programme on a Sunday morning so she can waffle her way through the Labour talking bite agenda? The BBC does gently point out that Unite is backing candidates in 41 other constituencies, but Harriet was allowed to claim that the problem is restricted to Falkirk and that Ed …Continue reading
Today is the 8th Anniversary of 7/7, the day the Jihad came to visit London and take 52 innocent lives. I note the BBC has nothing up to mark this sad anniversary. I suppose it is too busy marking Ramadan to consider such? The US media always marks 9/11, but our State Broadcaster has other priorities….
Is Miliband lying about his involvement with Unite and the stitch up of the selection of Parliamentary and MEP candidates? And does the BBC care? This quote from a disaffected Labourite in April suggests Miliband may be lying: The real question is: why was Ed Miliband’s team happy to let this happen? Or how about this: Perhaps the leadership thought no one would notice? That no one …Continue reading
DB in the last post had Labour’s Andy Burnham doing our work for us…criticisng the BBC. Not sure what he’s worried about….perhaps he doesn’t listen to the BBC too often…they aren’t likely to be eulogising over Mrs Thatcher…as the other Tweet illustrated….and the marked reluctance it showed to investigate Labour and Unite’s latest little difficulty. Burnham was referring to Nicky Campbell’s show…’Your Call’ in which he decided … Continue reading
BBC journalist Elettra Neysmith: @andyburnhammp We all love the NHS; no debate. Can't really say the same of Mrs T…. — Elettra Neysmith (@Elettralux) July 5, 2013
Great to see the BBC telling us how Islam is changing soccer. This article gushingly proclaims “Premier League: How Muslims are changing English football culture” Children playing football in the parks of Newcastle have even been spotted falling to their knees as if in prayer themselves after scoring a goal. They may not completely understand what it means, but it’s a sign that Muslim practices are becoming a more familiar part … Continue reading
Poor Jeremy Bowen. He was hit by shotgun pellets as he provided us with his particular brand of impartial reporting from Cairo. The Middle East editor was photographed with a bandage around his head and blood on his face. He tweeted after the attack: “Thanks for the messages. I’ve been hit by a couple of shotgun pellets. Am fine and heading out.” Now, I wish no harm to anyone, … Continue reading
The Telegraph gives Marcus Brigstock a comedy checkup and finds no sign of real life, breadth of vision or common touch, and predicts a lifetime existing on the life support provided by the generosity of the BBC Licence fee donors….like Unite members, signed up without their consent to project Utopia. The Telegraph explains the thinking behind the programmes…. ‘…..little short of a licence-fee funded attack on Coalition policy and an … Continue reading
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