Sunday, 21 July 2013
Ah, how touching of the BBC to publish this obituary for “pioneering” US journalist Helen Thomas dies at 92. Thomas was a profound anti-Semite so even the BBC felt obliged to make passing reference to some of her vile comments but hey, she “regretted’ those slurs against Jews so no big deal. Right? Straight to hell, Helen. Naturally the BBC admire her.
Detroit has declared bankruptcy at last, and the BBC is on the case. Emily Buchanan, one of the battalion of Beeboids working the US scene, has put together a video report explaining why the once successful city has fallen so far. Her reasons: White flight, leaving inner city blacks to suffer and find themselves trapped in an urban nightmare The collapse of the car industry “Detroit has suffered a vicious … Continue reading
All too real via Guido and Cityunslicker: Ed Miliband set on reform, but not on break with the BBC Ed Miliband has explicitly ruled out breaking Labour‘s historic links with the BBC, saying he wants to “mend not end” the relationship while giving individual watching people more of a role in choosing what’s on TV. After a week in which allegations of policy-rigging by Labour’s largest backer, … Continue reading
I was no fan of the 2012 London Olympics but can appreciate that it may have done some good in a roundabout way. The point is that when our Capital city won the right to host the games under LABOUR, the BBC were to the fore in cheerleading for the the occasion. But under a Conservative led Coalition, well, things are a tad different. The Today programme this morning was … Continue reading
The BBC seem concerned that the Palestinians are undecided on the Kerry peace talks plan. As always with the BBC, the only perspective that counts is that of the Palestinians with Israel demoted to a bit part in this negotiation. It was the same story of the Today programme this morning.
Yes, we all know that Lib Dems do seem to have a problem with Israel and in that regard today’s saga with David Ward MP is not that surprising. Just to remind you… Lib Dem MP David Ward has had the party whip withdrawn over comments he made about Israel. He posted a tweet at the weekend calling the country an “apartheid state” and saying that “Zionists” were “losing the battle”. It … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio