Saturday, 27 July 2013

Transhumanism, Technocracy, Total Surveillance Society

hplusTran­shu­manism, Tech­noc­racy and Total Sur­veil­lance Society are show­cased in this 3 hour radio pre­sen­ta­tion with Patrick Wood, Carl Teichrib and Kaye Beach. It is a good primer and helpful to bring the lis­tener to a solid basic under­standing of what it all means.
On July 25, 2013, Patrick Wood guest-hosted a 3-hour pre­sen­ta­tion on the nation­ally syn­di­cated The Roth Show. The audio archive has been edited and con­densed, and may be played below.
NOTE: Per­mis­sion is granted to link to this article so others may listen, but please to not down­load the audio and re-post any­where on the Internet
Tran­shuman, Tech­noc­racy & Total Sur­veil­lance