Sunday, 7 July 2013

Kuwaiti Islamist Buys Weapons For Jihad In Syria, Praises Slaughters, Criticized By MP Kuwaiti MPs Justify Trade Ties With Israel

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MEMRI Daily: July 7, 2013



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Special Dispatch No. 5354

Kuwaiti Islamist Buys Weapons For Jihad In Syria, Praises Slaughters, Criticized By MP

Following are excerpts from statements by Kuwaiti cleric Shafi' Al-Ajami (in an interview on May 24, 2013 and at a rally on June 11) and from a response by Kuwaiti MP Nabil Al-Fadhl (made in an interview on June 13). The statements were posted on the Internet.
May 24, 2013
Shafi' Al-Ajami: "Brothers, we are at war, and the Syrian people are in need of weapons. We will declare this loud and clear, and not be shy about it. Just like Iran and Lebanon declare [support for the Syrian regime], I declare, on behalf of myself and of all the Islamic scholars, that we are buying weapons and will continue to buy weapons, so that the Syrian people can defend their hopes, their honor, their country, and their children.
"We want to buy missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, bombs, and RPGs. We have been doing this, and we will continue to do so. Any regime or country that prevents us... We declare that the countries that prevent our purchasing weapons for Syria are conspiring and treacherous countries, and that the day will come when these countries will fall, just like the Syrian regime. "

Special Dispatch No. 5353

Kuwaiti MPs Justify Trade Ties With Israel

Following are excerpts from interviews with Kuwaiti members of parliament, which aired on Al-Adala TV via the Internet on June 18-25, 2013:
MP Nabil Al-Fadhl:
MP Nabil Al-Fadhl: "If the security of Kuwait requires the purchase of Israeli equipment, I will do so, and I will love the Israelis for it. It is permitted to deal with anyone for the sake of Kuwait's security."
Interviewer: "Even with Israelis?"
MP Nabil Al-Fadhl: "I will buy it from whoever is selling."
Interviewer: "But these are the Zionists..."
MP Nabil Al-Fadhl: "So what? We're talking about my country's security. How exactly did the Muslims benefit us, when our Arab neighbor [Iraq] invaded our country? I am willing to buy equipment from Israel to protect my country from its Arab and Muslim neighbor."
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