Labour Job Ad for Spinner Reveals Miliband Weaknesses |ConservativeHome
Why Cameron Avoided Giving Clear Answer on Crosby | Paul Waugh
Unite Behind Right-Wing Press | MediaGuido
Gove Given Roasting By Wife | Telegraph
No Summer Relief For Ed | Ben Brogan
EU Settlement Will Be Watered Down By Mandarins | Douglas Carswell
Ed’s Creepy Royal Baby Congratulations | Trending Central
Kevin Rudd: Prime Minister, Canada | MediaGuido
Best Royal Baby Jokes | Guardian
Alan Johnson’s Advice For Ed Balls | Total Politics
Ed Balls Was Right About Everything | LabourList
Why Cameron Avoided Giving Clear Answer on Crosby | Paul Waugh
Unite Behind Right-Wing Press | MediaGuido
Gove Given Roasting By Wife | Telegraph
No Summer Relief For Ed | Ben Brogan
EU Settlement Will Be Watered Down By Mandarins | Douglas Carswell
Ed’s Creepy Royal Baby Congratulations | Trending Central
Kevin Rudd: Prime Minister, Canada | MediaGuido
Best Royal Baby Jokes | Guardian
Alan Johnson’s Advice For Ed Balls | Total Politics
Ed Balls Was Right About Everything | LabourList
TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2013
Claire Perry’s Website Hacked By Porn Prankers
Poor Claire Perry. Dave’s anti-porn campaigner has had her website hacked, so if you go to the address below* you are directed to a series of explicit adult images. The vast majority of which are certainly unsuitable for a family blog such as this.

At least her website will be blocked when the new rules come into effect…
At least her website will be blocked when the new rules come into effect…
* NSFW if you work somewhere boring.
Poll Results: 58% Say MPs Ungrateful and Overpaid
This morning, following his story about lazy male MPs demanding longer lie-ins, Guido asked readers how they would describe the attitude of MPs to work. Over 2,000 responded and the results are in:

A rather damning indictment of the public’s attitude to MPs. Though Guido isn’t sure quite what the 17% of readers who say they “work hard for little reward and deserve praise” are smoking. Suppose they could have been MPs…
A rather damning indictment of the public’s attitude to MPs. Though Guido isn’t sure quite what the 17% of readers who say they “work hard for little reward and deserve praise” are smoking. Suppose they could have been MPs…
Two Years Since Ed Promised Lobbying Dinner Details
While we are talking about lobbyists, it is time for Ed to come clean about his own dealings. Back in October 2011, getting on for two years ago now, Guido asked Miliband to name the predator lobbyists he had dined with at the home of Roland Rudd. He promised to reveal all:
21 months on, Miliband is still refusing to say who was present. Just because Rudd’s known clientsinclude investment banks, not so environmentally sensitive mining companies and firms owned by asset stripping private equity companies, there is no reason for Ed to be shy. Of course there definitely wouldn’t have been any other dodgy lobbyists present at the dinner who lobbied him about anything unsavoury. With Miliband repeatedly saying Cameron “can’t keep evading questions”, he wouldn’t want to be accused of hypocrisy. Guido is sure he has as convincing and full-proof an answer as Crosby’s, so now would be as good a time as ever for him to stay true to his word. Over to you, Ed…
“I will definitely release the names of the people who were at the dinner.”
Lynton: “No Discussion, Conversation or Lobbying”
Some non-baby related news, though toys will no doubt be thrown out of the pram. Lynton Crosby has just put out this statement:
“The Prime Minister has repeatedly and clearly said that I have never lobbied him on anything, including on the issue of tobacco or plain packaging of cigarettes. What the PM said should be enough for any ordinary person but to avoid any doubt or speculation let me be clear. At no time have I had any conversation or discussion with or lobbied the Prime Minister, or indeed the Health Secretary or the health minister, on plain packaging or tobacco issues. Indeed, any claim that I have sought to improperly use my position as part-time campaign adviser to the Conservative Party is simply false.”
A slightly more comprehensive answer than the PM…
Gove “Just Hot”
We’ve all been there, having to explain yourself to the missus after coming home a bit squiffy from a long night out. It seems the Education Secretary was quick thinking. Mrs Gove, soon to be Mail columnist Sarah Vine, tweets:
That old chestnut.
Boris and Gove on a Smashing Night Out
Guido would not like to suggest that Boris and Gove had wet the Royal Baby’s head last night, though then again these photos do suggest they were in somewhat jovial spirits after a dinner at Scotts:

Boris clearly just fancied a stroll rather than riding his bike home, while Gove’s difficulty walking in a straight line can obviously be explained by the heat:

Boris clearly just fancied a stroll rather than riding his bike home, while Gove’s difficulty walking in a straight line can obviously be explained by the heat:
Via Mail.
The Invitation Westminster Advisers Won’t Comment About
“That is all we are saying.”
Lazy Male MPs Want Longer Lie-Ins
Lazy male MPs are demanding longer lie-ins before they start work in the morning. Leaked internal polling commissioned by the House of Commons Procedure Committee, in charge of sitting hours, reveals that 56% of male MPs say early starts are having a “negative impact” on the House’s effectiveness. 58% of men oppose rules stopping them from bunking off Tuesday mornings, while many are unhappy at having to be in for 9:30am on Thursdays. 116 MPs polled had the cheek to argue early starts have a negative impact on their personal effectiveness. It turns out the girls are far harder-working, 54% of women MPs are happy with the current family-friendly arrangement. Since Parliament isn’t sitting again until September 2nd they can snooze all day for the rest of the summer…
In response to the poll of MPs who want longer lie-ins, Guido thought we should poll voters to find out what they think:
Only 3 in 10 Unite Members Would Opt In to Political Fund
Just 12% Would Join Labour Party
A damning Lord Ashcroft poll of Unite members out this morning. If members had to opt in to the political fund, where their membership fees go towards the Labour Party, only 30% would choose to do so. 53% say they would not. 57% want the rules changed to an opt-in system. As evidence of just how unrepresentative and anti-democratic Unite is, if members who opted in to the political fund were no longer automatically made affiliated Labour members, just 12% would join the party as an individual member. 65% of Unite members say that donating funds to Labour is not an effective way of advancing their interests. Most amusingly only 16% could name Len McCluskey when given a photo, confusing him with Sir Alex Ferguson.
Last night Miliband announced a “Special Conference” to “ensure that affiliated members are given a real choice about joining the party”. This poll shows exactly why they need to change. And exactly why they won’t…