Thursday, 18 July 2013
Wednesday, 17 July 2013 23:06
'The knighthood handed to vile Jimmy Savile followed a secret crusade by his pal Lady Thatcher — whose own top aides did not want the sinister creep made a “Sir”, The Sun can reveal. They were so fearful of a scandal erupting around him they talked Maggie out of bestowing the accolade on him four times when she was Prime Minister — before she finally got her way. Previously unseen documents — prised from the clutches of the Cabinet Office after a nine-month battle by The Sun — show how the BBC star’s “strange and complex” private life set alarm bells ringing at No10 TWENTY-SEVEN years ago.'
'Former prime minister Margaret Thatcher made repeated attempts to get Jimmy Savile knighted - despite pleas from her concerned aides - it was reported today.
Previously unseen Cabinet Office documents from Lady Thatcher's premiership obtained by The Sun newspaper admit to advisers' "worries" about Savile being made a "Sir" against a backdrop of "unfortunate revelations" about his private life. The television star was knighted for his services to charity in 1990.'
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