Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Nigel Farage stated that the BBC used him as a ‘get out’ clause…they have had him on a show…therefore that proves they are not anti-UKIP or pro Europe….box ticked.
He also said this:
Sure, there may have been criticisms about its abject failure to report the rise of Euroscepticism or reflect the public’s concerns about immigration in the past. But now the BBC is, it tells us, “pleased our coverage has been deemed ‘remarkable’ and ‘impressive’”.
Unfortunately for the BBC, and those who have to pay the licence fee and all those extraordinary wages nowt has changed.
On Thursday Daniel Hannan in the Telegraph wrote this:
Friday morning in ‘Wake Up To Money’ , entirely by coincidence I’m sure, we had the CBI’s Katja Hall on to be given free rein to promote European integration…we must not leave! The BBC fed her the questions and she fed us the Party line.
Katja Hall, Chief policy director fo the CBI, who previoulsy….
Prior to joining the CBI, Katja worked at the BBC on employee relations, change management and reward.
Like minds eh?
A small world…even smaller if they get their way and submerge all the nations under the EU empire’s jack boot.
So that’s Europe being dealt with with a renewed vigour and transparency by the BBC.
As for immigration…well Victoria Derbyshire leapt into action to repair the wrongful impression that the BBC is in any way pro-mass immigration and will examine seriously and in depth the issues that arise from such policies.
Last week there was a Home Office report which suggests half the population of England and Wales has felt the impact of immigration…Derbyshire is apparently basing her investigation upon the concerns raised in that report.
So what did we get from the BBC?
Off the BBC trekked to darkest Birmingham where we had a white Brit on….who was…er…pro immigration.
Then more voices…..
We were told that government measures alienate immigrants.
Immigrants do jobs lazy Britons won’t.
There is no recognition of the contribution made by immigrants.
Immigrants are ‘ghettoised’…not by choice…they’d love to be out there amongst the natives.
Oh yes….Birmingham is under pressure not because of the mass immigration but because of the government cuts….says the BBC reporter.
Then onto darkest Wales…..we are told there may be some concerns about integration…but just give it time, it will get better.
Then 5 minutes from the end we finally got a sceptic….though moderately so….his main concern is that he can’t get his kids into the school of his choice…but….you have to look at both sides and not look for scapegoats.
So, yes, the BBC has mentioned immigration…but not exactly the penetrating investigation of the sometimes devastating effects that mass immigration has on a community….nearly all the voices were pro immigration and seemed more concerned with the effects on immigrants themselves, which was hardly the point of the government report.
Still, the BBC has ticked another box, ‘The Get Out’ clause is up and running.
‘Remarkable and impressive’ coverage indeed.
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Britannia Radio