Thursday 4 July 2013

The Power of Subtlety.... The Golden Rule, Beyond our Failed Democracy....

The Power of Subtlety

'Have you ever noticed how the power of burning a smudge stick can change the course of one day?  How deep breathing can guide a different response in the time of trauma? How remembering to sing a song when your sad or to drink a cup of Dandelion Root tea when you are already feeling spectacular can make life even better? How paying attention to the thermal nature (heating or cooling) of your food can powerfully affect your health? Or perhaps noticing in this very now moment… the effect of the bear root that burns while I am writing this blog which is helping to keep the flow of words and creative energy moving? These simple tasks can be some of the most powerful movements to support a more meaningful life for ourselves ...
I invite you to consider and sense a common thread that weaves each of these scenarios together.'


The Golden Rule, Beyond our Failed Democracy

'We have been told, long enough, that you cannot change Human Nature, but I say to you, Human Nature can be changed, and, what’s more, Human Nature must be changed if we are to reach our full potential. Which I, for one, am determined to reach. Please understand that your thoughts, which you are responsible for, are as real as your deeds. You will soon realize that every word and every deed affects your life and has also touched thousands of lives.
You have heard people say, “You must love yourself first, before you can love others”. Well, we have observed many selfish jerks doing just that, who do nothing to help anyone but themselves, and they’re still miserable themselves. But if you love others first, you become a good person. If you help others, how can you not feel good about yourself also? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE NOT TO LOVE YOURSELF ALSO when you love others first. That being so ...'