A public school textbook with 72 pages on Islam for every 1 page on other religions? “This special treatment of Islam consists of devoting many more pages to Islam when compared to any other religion in an approximate ration of 72 to one.” -State Representative Ritch Workman “From what I’ve read and heard over the past few years about Islam contradicts what’s in these textbooks.” -Andy Ziegler, Brevard School Board Member Dear Harold Members of a Florida ACT! for America chapter, along with members of a Florida organization called Citizens for National Security, recently got the attention of elected officials and local school board members regarding egregious pro-Islamic bias in a school textbook. How could anyone in America justify devoting 72 pages about Islam for every one page about Christianity and Judaism in a public school textbook??? In early 2012, ACT! for America Education released a 229 page report that revealed extensive bias, inaccuracies and pro-Islamic indoctrination in 38 public school textbooks. You can view the complete report and Executive Summary HERE. This is just the latest example of how ACT! for America is effectively pushing back against the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood. You can help increase ACT! for America’s impact and influence by participating in iGive. The iGive program is as easy as it is powerful. Every time you make an online purchase at one of over 1,300 online merchants, ACT! for America receives a percentage of the purchase price – at no cost to you! In the past seven days, over $261 was generated for ACT! for America by supporters making online purchases – at no cost to them. How awesome is that?
ACT for America P.O. Box 12765 Pensacola, FL 32591 www.actforamerica.org |
Wednesday, 31 July 2013
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Britannia Radio