Friday, 26 July 2013
The Today programme (07:45) updated us on the progress of the BBC’s latest wheeze: The Today programme is asking listeners to come up with questions to put to tens of thousands of people in more than 60 countries around the world. The programme will submit two questions suggested by listeners to feature in the Gallup International poll. A panel including the BBC’s Head of Political Research David Cowling and … Continue reading
‘The uncritical reproduction of scientific orthodoxy is a far more egregious error: it denies that error can be observed from without the consensus.’ There was a huge fuss generated by the Hotheads of the pro AGW side of the climate debate over the Andrew Neil interview with Ed Davey, asking him if government climate and energy policy should be changed to take into account the new facts…such as … Continue reading
I know we’ve done a lot on Zimmerman already but I couldn’t let this pass without a blogpost. Take a look at the considered opinion of BBC News Channel journalist Robert Rea on the day of the Zimmerman verdict. Rea claims Zimmerman only shot Martin because he was black, and it was shameful that he wasn’t found guilty by the jury. All twelve of them. @Chelsea_Lass had he been blond … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio