Daily Crux reader,
Here is today's Crux update:
Porter Stansberry: What you need to know about Detroit and the "End of America" now
"I don't remember the day the world turned upside down… but it has..."
Today's entertainment: Abbott and Costello explain unemployment in America
"What is the unemployment rate?"
The simplest way to make your passwords much more secure
"Tougher to crack than shorter passwords with all sorts of numbers and non-characters..."
The shocking reason armed federal agents showed up at one family's home
"Be careful what you Google..."
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Exposed: Americans outraged over new FATCA Tax Act
The United States of America – the land of the free – now has something in common with North Korea, Cuba, Iran, and the former USSR and 1930s Germany.
The government would probably rather you not know anything about this…
However, buried deep inside what many folks are calling "The Escape Blueprint," this startling fact – and many more just like it – have been exposed.
Porter Stansberry: This could be one of the greatest trades you'll ever make
"We're at a major crossroads..."
Research uncovers a major new health risk for anyone who uses computers or smartphones
"The negative impact of sitting is just the tip of the iceberg..."
Controversial post: This is what could happen if fast-food workers got the raises they want
"Don't think investors won't care or react..."
What some of the smartest "smart money" is doing now
"Now is the time to exit..."
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Friday, 2 August 2013
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Britannia Radio