Saturday, 10 August 2013

Daily Crux reader, 

Here is today's Crux update: 

"Dr. Doom" Marc Faber: A 1987-style crash is coming 
"Market may drop 20% or more..."

Two more bullish signs for gold and silver 
"A change in character..."

"EMERGENCY": Mainstream media now reporting shocking admissions from Japan 
"300 tons of nuclear waste per day..."

A huge surprise could be coming for this left-for-dead commodity 
"This is going to catch a lot of people off-guard..."

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Why doesn't Obama ever talk about his million-dollar side business? 
Most people have no clue that – over the past several years – President Obama has raked in more than $5.5 million in personal income… from his own private business venture. Why does the public almost never hear about this? And how exactly does he make this money? 

Casey Research: What you need to know about inflation now 
"In a fiat-money system, inflation always gets another chance..."

The surprising reason you can't trust this common technical indicator 
"A stock market trivia question to amaze your friends..."

Must-read story highlights a new risk for anyone who travels by car
"Don't even bother getting a lawyer..."

A disturbing quote from the woman who could replace Ben Bernanke 
"A wise and humane policy is occasionally to let inflation rise..."


Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux