Daily Crux reader,
Here is today's Crux update:
The New York Times just revealed a jaw-dropping admission from top government officials
"Al-Qaeda terror threat used to 'divert attention' from NSA..."
Where resource master Rick Rule is finding great value now
"Cheaper than North America and better quality..."
Up to 5.7 million jobs in this unsuspecting industry could vanish
"Cost savings and improved technology suggest the trend is inevitable..."
This could be a must-read for anyone who trades commodities
"The general message cannot be misunderstood..."
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Why your stocks will never make you rich...
Over the past year, more than 74 folks on Wall Street have been using this secret to do the exact opposite of you – and make a fortune. You may think this doesn't apply to you. But folks who've used it are making a killing... For example, Paul D. has made $450,000 with this secret and says his holdings have "almost doubled in 2.5 years…"
A key leading indicator could be quietly rolling over now
"Did a 'double top' just take place?"
Three warning signs every trader should keep an eye on now
"The next decline phase may be more severe and longer-lasting..."
Why you should stay far, far away from these expensive mutual funds
"Unless one enjoys wasting money..."
Justin Brill
Managing Editor, The Daily Crux
Wednesday, 7 August 2013
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Britannia Radio