No other way of reading this
piece by John Denham and Peter Hain in today’s
Guardian other than as a thinly veiled slight at Ed Balls. They talk of Miliband’s perceived recognition that
“many of the problems facing Britain required fundamentally different approaches and new solutions” than offered when the Shadow Chancellor was running the show behind the scenes, before concluding:
“The most valuable members of the shadow cabinet have been those who have set out radical long-term visions for their area of responsibility, such as Andy Burnham and Liz Kendall on the need to integrate a National Care Service into the NHS. Labour has been at its strongest when we have risen above the party political dogfight to speak the truth about what needs to be done.
There’s nothing to worry about in our current position so long as the entire Labour leadership team swiftly rediscovers the ability to do the same.”
Who could they possibly be talking about?