Thursday, 1 August 2013
We know that the BBC has issues with Islam and that is a prime source for Islamophilia. However when the world’s most prominent Islamic scholar calls for jihad to be waged in Egypt, one would have thought all those world class journalists that we pay for MIGHT have found the story. It seems they missed it. How convenient. I suppose they are too busy hunting down Islamphobes? “Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi—one … Continue reading
I have to agree with Grant Shapps just for a change! The BBC’s coverage of the Government’s welfare reforms has sought to paint them as ‘Armageddon’ for the nation, a senior minister said yesterday. Tory Party chairman Grant Shapps accused BBC bosses of letting their ‘personal views take hold’, covering the Coalition’s attempts to rein in the welfare bill as though the world were ending. He spoke out amid a row over … Continue reading
The BBC paint one picture of the Mau Mau but a B-BBC reader paints another; “I was there as a Police Inspector in the Kikuyu Reserve. I am astonished that the British Government should be giving compensation to Mau Mau. of course it is a different Government to that of the 1950s. Mau Mau murdered large numbers of their own Kikuyu tribe. They didn’t beat them up they chopped them …Continue reading
The BBC have been busy trying to dig up anyone who has been ‘victimised’ by the government’s welfare reforms as Guido highlights: Newsnight have been caught red-handed using a private firm to try stir up outrage toward’s the government’s, legal, tweaking of Housing Benefit changes. No mention of all those who have been or will be helped by this reform…all those needing a family home but are … Continue reading
I don’t think that Lord Howell said anything he needed to apologise for but thanks to the predictable baiting in the Lords from Labour, picked up and magnified by the BBC, he ended up saying sorry for suggesting that “desolate parts” of the north-east with no obvious natural beauty could be potential spots for tracking. Maybe he should have said the north-west? The BBC seized on this with glee and …Continue reading
The BBC Trust, on the basis of a complaint from one man and his dog, has declared that the BBC, or at least John Humphrys is a right wing government stooge: The BBC Trust said that a programme called the Future of Welfare, written and presented by John Humphrys, breached its rules on impartiality and accuracy. It found that the programme had failed to back up with statistics … Continue reading
‘Is the BBC biased’ has done a write up of Sunday Morning Live….it concludes that overall it was a fair effort on the part of the BBC….I haven’t seen it yet so can’t comment myself. What is interesting is part of the programme that they have transcribed. I have in a previous post suggested that most Muslims don’t actually like Islam…..the real, fundamental, follow all the rules Islam….they … Continue reading
We hear endless sob stories on the BBC about tenants having to move house due to the governments ‘bedroom tax’….or spare room subsidy reduction if you prefer. We hear the ‘vulnerable’ are being targeted and discriminated against, the poorest in society victimised and cities being ‘cleansed’ of the poor. Well you can argue about that endlessly but what about at the other end of the scale….those high earners who refuse … Continue reading
Harriet Harman suggested a cap on ownership of the media but wanted to exclude the BBC from such considerations: No, the BBC is not included…there is all the difference in the world between a privately owned broadcaster and a public broadcaster which has its own mechanisms for accountability [ha ha] and no I don’t include it as a monopoly…it’s not a private monopoly. I put it on one side….the …Continue reading
The BBC more often than not will reveal to us, in the interest of transparency and impartiality, that a think tank is right leaning. It is a rarity to see left wing think tanks or charities similarly defined. I have yet to hear The New Economic Foundation so described despite being not just left leaning but out on the fringes of the loony left, the Resolution Foundation or … Continue reading
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Britannia Radio