Sunday, 11 August 2013

Prime Minister Netanyahu undergoes surgery. Moshe Yaalon acting PM
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu
DEBKAfile Special Report Aug 11, 2013, 3:31 AM (IDT)
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, 63, underwent umbilical hernia surgery at Hadassah Ain Karem, Jerusalem, Saturday night, Aug. 10, under general anesthetic. The prime minister might be discharged Sunday afternoon. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon was meanwhile appointed acting prime minister. The regular cabinet meeting Sunday scheduled to have finalized the first stage of the release of Palestinian security prisoners to foster peace talks has been postponed.  A ministerial committee will meet to approve the release instead chaired by Moshe Yaalon.
Western, Arab Intel Unimpressed by US Terror Alert
No extra security measures laid on in Mid East and Europe although September is a month to watch.
Syria between a US operation and a Saudi-Russian deal
Israel is pushing hard for a US-Arab operation against Assad to avert the fall of Aleppo.