Open Europe analysis: 2014-2020 budget Telegraph: Waterfield blog
Thursday, 1 August 2013
What a con!
It doesn't say if this is "per annum" - or in total....either way, it is a substantial amount of money. You may be able to find it in this long, financial article from way back on 8th Feb 2013 -
Personally, I don't think we can afford to be Members of the "EU Club" any longer - we have our own financial problems....and nobody seems able, or capable of sorting them out!
Sorry, Mr.Osborne, but I don't think you are doing it right at all...and I'm not even an accountant! If you know better, please tell us why, as we all think you have it wrong! Some explanations would be most welcome..put our worried minds at rest!
I feel confident in speaking for many others, in this respect. There are too many holes in the financial bucket!
Just to close on a note guaranteed to stir the philanthropic cockles of the indigenous British heart and, further invigorate the feel good factor that we all hold so dear when knowing that our hard earned taxes are being donated to a worthwhile cause, I give you below our current donation to the EU.
I feel certain that your combined feelings of joy upon reading this will know no bounds and, I would request that you desist from emailing me to profess your gratitude to me for passing on this heart warming news.
Peace in our time.
Open Europe analysis: 2014-2020 budget Telegraph: Waterfield blog
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Britannia Radio