Read Eugene Narrett Before It’s Too Late9 Av:
Tears, Stars, Love of G-d and Israel
The West’s Ruling Cadres are Not Stupid
Commentators with national,
right-wing sentiments tend to
base their critiques of Israeli
and American policies
on the notion that the leaders
of these nations are unable to learn from their mistakes.
For example, they complain that these policies and leaders
can’t seem to learn that
releasing jihadists from prison
always produces more dead and wounded Israelis and more demands that
Israel make more unilateral
concessions to allay the “cycle of violence in the region.”
Then they are ‘surprised,’ ‘pained,’ or ‘disappointed’
when this leads to more attacks ad infinitum. ‘
How can they be so stupid’?!?
exclaim all the “nationalist” commentators.
Don’t they know, the most informed of these “right-wing” analysts exclaim, that Fatah has a long history of jihadist activities, that it is supported by Egypt and now, Memri reports, by Saudi Arabia and Iran, too; that Syria is an expansionist Iranian and Russian client, a British and French-created artifice that wants to destroy Israel, exterminate Jews and is hostile to everything America was meant to be?
On and on they beat their breasts against keyboard and microphone bringing postprandial contentment to the very leaders whose “mistaken” and “futile” policies they perennially lament and chide. This kind of criticism insures them a ‘place at the table,’ albeit off to one side.
full article britanniaradio
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
The West’s Ruling Cadres are Not Stupid
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Britannia Radio