Daily Reckoning
The Pin in the Monetary Hand Grenade
Ouzilly, France
Thursday, July 31, 2008
*** The $300 billion housing bill is signed...a great example of many,
many people doing very dumb things...
*** How do the feds get any real money?...the Paulson Doctrine...
*** Bankruptcies are piling up...malls are emptying out...pity the
poor fool who takes over at the White House...and more!
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First, a quick look at the markets. The Dow rose 185 points yesterday,
continuing its rally. Oil gained $4 too – and is now trading at $126.
Gold dropped $13 and seems ready to fall below $900. We wondered if we
would ever again see gold below $900. Looks like the answer is 'yes.'
Yesterday, George W. Bush signed the housing bill – in which up to
$300 billion is to be spent bailing out naïve homeowners, caddish mortgage
lenders and Wall Street geniuses. It is packaged as a reserve against
catastrophe. If everything is hunky dory from here on, only a few billion
here and there will be spent. If housing continues to sink, on the other
hand, the bill starts toting up. The Congressional Budget Office gave the
odds at only 1-in-20 that $100 billion of this money would be spent propping
up mortgages. The bill also allows the feds to give money to state and local
governments, so they can buy houses and fix them up themselves.
We're happy to see the federal government taking some dramatic action.
It reaffirms our faith in our fellow man – he's an idiot; as we knew all
along. And it confirms our opinion of the political class – they're
grifters, chiselers and opportunists.
Here is a case where many, many people did dumb things. Homeowners
bought houses they couldn't afford. Lenders lent them the money to do it.
And then investors bought the loans as if they were good investments.
Naturally, the whole thing blew up.
The smartest thing to do would be to let it happen. As quickly as
possible. Get it over with.
But "change" is the one thing people most don't want – not when it
involves paying for past mistakes. The homeowners don't want to give up
their houses. The lenders don't want to go out of business. Investors don't
want to lose money. And so they all hope for a miracle. And along comes the
miracle worker himself – Uncle Sam.
What makes it possible for the federal government to perform miracles,
as Ben Bernanke might explain it, "is a little technology called the
printing press. [The feds] can create new dollars at almost zero cost."
How do the feds get any real money? They can only take it away from
real people. The net effect to the economy is zero. The only way they can
add to the total supply of money is to...well...add to the supply of money.
They have to create it – out of thin air. Otherwise, they are just taking
money from people who didn't make mistakes in order to keep people who did
make mistakes from being forced to own up to them.
As we said yesterday, we haven't seen any real estate agents offering
to return the commissions they made by selling houses to people who couldn't
afford them. Nor have we seen any Wall Street slicks returning their
bonuses – much of it earned by sinking people so deep in debt they could
never get out. This $300 billion spending bill helps us all forgive and
forget the whole thing – by making someone else pay for it.
But wait...there's a wrinkle... Who's really paying? Since Americans
don't have any money, the U.S. government – and consumers too – look
overseas for financing. Every day, about $2 billion goes out of the United
States and ends up abroad. But the U.S. government...and the U.S.
economy...desperately needs that money in order to keep spending beyond
their means. This new $300 housing bill is just more of the same – the U.S.
spending more money it doesn't have and depending on the kindness of
strangers overseas to pay for it.
But why do the foreigners lend? Why do they want U.S. dollar credits,
when the dollar has lost so much purchasing power in the last five years?
They're probably making a big mistake. But when you have that much
money, it's not easy to invest it. The U.S. Treasury market is the biggest
in the world. And why not lend money to the U.S. government? At least, you're
sure that the feds will pay you back – even if they have to create the money
to do it out of thin air.
Ah...there's the rub. There's no assurance that the dollars you get
back will be worth as much as the dollars you lent. And there's the pin to
this post-Bretton Woods monetary hand-grenade. At any moment, the foreigners
could conclude that the "safety" they're looking for in Treasury bonds is a
swindle...and that it's actually "too risky" to hold them. Then, they'll
pull the pin and the whole thing will blow up.
*** The Paulson Doctrine – Treasury Secretary Paulson is no dope. He
knows that the U.S. economy – with its extravagant delusions and its
expensive bailouts – needs financing from overseas. And he knows, too, that
the foreigners are getting worried.
In a free market economy, Fannie and Freddie might be allowed to go
under. Investors and lenders would both suffer...but the economy would go on
and be strengthened by getting rid of its nasty carbuncles and tumors. But
this is not a free market. It is a market where the big players always seem
to manage to get an edge for themselves. For example, since 2003, Wall
Street paid out a quarter of a trillion in bonuses – most of it on dubious,
debt-drenched transactions that were never completed. And then, when the
debt goes bad, in comes the U.S. government to bail out the whole system.
The Wall Street pros keep their bonuses, with not even a "thank you" to the
Fannie and Freddie can't be allowed to go under – largely because
their debt is held by foreigners. Don't get us wrong. The feds would love to
stiff the foreigners. But they can't...not yet. The Chinese, for example,
are the single largest lenders to U.S. government agencies – including
Fannie and Freddie. And the feds desperately need that flow of juice from
the Far East to continue. So Henry Paulson came up with what is known as the
"Paulson Doctrine" – we'll let the stockholders take a loss, but not the
The Paulson Doctrine will hold until it is no longer needed. When will
that be? We'll tell you – the foreigners will lose their money when
inflation has already turned them against more dollar credits. That is, when
inflation has finally convinced them to dump the dollar and refuse to lend
more to U.S. government agencies, the feds will have no further use for
foreign lenders. Then, they will turn their backs on the Paulson Doctrine
and stick it to foreign dollar holders hard.
*** "Big bankruptcies are piling up," says the New York Times . Mervyn's,
a California retailer...Bennigan's, a restaurant chain...Semgroup, an oil
services company...they've all gone belly up.
"Restaurant chains close as diners reduce spending," the New York
Times elaborates. The malls are emptying out, too.
*** "OBAMANIA" they're calling it. The Europeans went wild for Obama
on his recent visit. They seem to see in the Democratic candidate a
refreshing change. The French call him the "Black Kennedy." The Financial
Times has a cartoon showing him walking on water, to rescue French president
Sarkozy and German Chancellor Merkel.
Everyone wants a young, good-looking, smooth-talking winner in the
White House, and Obama looks like a winner – at least at this stage of the
Until tomorrow,
Bill Bonner
The Daily Reckoning
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The Daily Reckoning PRESENTS: By a wide margin, the United States has
the largest coal reserves on the planet. The coal supplies in the U.S.
account for 95% of its fossil fuel reserves and a whopping 60% of the fuel
reserves in the world, according to the American Coal Foundation. Greg
Guenthner explores...
by Greg Guenthner
Yes, coal prices have continues to rise across the globe. But of
course, this pales in comparison to the continued run-up in petroleum, which
has virtually paralyzed the wallets of many oil-reliant Americans.
The idea of a coal shortage is virtually unthinkable. We have roughly
275 billion tons of recoverable coal, enough for us to burn for the next two
and a half centuries if we needed it. So while the next generation might not
have the oil to run their cars and trucks, the lights at the house will stay
on thanks to coal power.
If this were the end of the story, coal would be sitting pretty. But
the black rock is under attack from governments, scientists and ordinary
citizens throughout the world. And with no end in sight, our main source of
electricity is in serious jeopardy.
The prolific use of coal as a power generating fuel is causing massive
damage to the planet in the form of carbon dioxide emissions. This is not a
political statement – it's been proven over and over again by scientists and
accepted by governments and the United Nations.
Today, oil we burn in our vehicles and use for power generation is the
number one source of CO2 emissions. However, half of the excess CO2
civilization has contributed to the air is from coal. And as you are aware,
oil use will most likely decrease from this point forward due to supply and
pricing constraints.
It is clear that coal is the dirty, cheap energy culprit the world
needs to fix. President Bush and both major-party candidates in the White
House race have advocated the development and use of new coal technology
that would reduce CO2 emissions. And politicians on both sides of the isle
have supported efforts to develop clean coal technology.
Unfortunately, a viable solution is decades away.
Take carbon capture technology, for instance. Carbon capture
techniques are designed to take the CO2 emissions from power plants and
inject them into the rocks or other geological formations. This process
would keep the harmful CO2 emissions from entering the atmosphere.
While it looks good on paper, industry analysts believe this
technology is at least 10 to 15 years away from commercial use. Others are
questioning whether CCS will ever become viable. A New York Times article
from earlier this year asks precisely that, describing the government
yanking support from an Illinois site that was supposed to pioneer the
The article continues, citing utility projects in Florida, West
Virginia, Ohio, Minnesota and Washington State that have been canceled or
postponed. The piece continued with even more evidence that questions the
program's viability:
Coal is abundant and cheap, assuring that it will continue to be used.
But the failure to start building, testing, tweaking and perfecting carbon
capture and storage means that developing the technology may come too late
to make coal compatible with limiting global warming.
"It's a total mess," said Daniel M. Kammen, director of the Renewable
and Appropriate Energy Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley.
A total mess? This doesn't sound promising at all...
Two important conclusions must be drawn from this evidence. First, we
see no reduction in the volume of coal used to generate power in the
foreseeable future. It is also clear that a truly viable CO2 reducing
solution needs to present itself ASAP. Green laws sprouting up across the
European Union and the United States will require a change.
Electricity demand in western states continues to rise. Power
distributors are desperate to keep up with demand. Add to the mix strict
environmental laws and you're looking at a world of hurt for the Western
United States.