If you had the misfortune to tune into the Today programme this morning at 7.12am, you would have found yourself treated to John Humphrys in full on anti-American military sneering mode. The news item concerns a US air strike on the Taliban spawn that infest the Herat area of Afghanistan and which killed dozens of the Taliban. Or at least that's what the US armed force say, but who believes them, right? Straightaway this is disputed by "tribal elders" (Taliban, natch) "locals" (Taliban) and the ubiquitous "Human Rights" activists. (Taliban apologists) Humphyrs line was to immediately weigh-in behind the idea that the US forces had killed many innocent civilians - again. He brought on Grace Ommer from Oxfam (An organisation hardly noted for balance..) and he then made the remarkable assertion that this "war, if war it is.." is going very badly? I wonder what he thinks it is? Is he there to editorialise on this and if so who is there to provide a balance? Humphrys tried to get Ommer to say the war was going badly wrong but in fairness even she figured that Oxfam are hardly in a position to judge. She merely pointed out that US actions against the Taliban made humanitarian work very difficult. She appeared to long for the good old days when the Taliban were in sole control of the country and Oxfam could operate with impunity. This item fairly simmered with anti-US military hostility and it is an example of how the BBC does all it can to undermine the efforts of the US military everywhere they operate. You should give it a listen, it's an example of the visceral bias that permeates the BBC. Labels: afghanistan, anti-American, pro-Jihad Comments: 6 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # Labels: open thread Comments: 7 (unread) - Biased BBC Home Hugh # Obviously the Beeb isn't always the fastest with breaking news, but I really thought they might have had the edge with this story. Digby Jones, the trade minister in Brown's Government of all talents, is to quit - as he told, er, the BBC. (What's the expression about rodents and ships again?) Twelve hours later, though, and still no sign of this on the BBC website's politics page - or anywhere else for that matter. Oh well, perhaps it's justnot a very interesting story.Biased BBC Saturday, August 23, 2008
Saturday, 23 August 2008
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Britannia Radio