China Confidential
Friday, August 22, 2008
Is the US Ready for a US-Indonesian President?
Fox News:The incident comes amid growing concern that Indonesia's tradition of religious tolerance is under threat from Islamic hard-liners.
In talks since the attack, the Arastamar Evangelical School of Theology has reluctantly agreed to shut its 20-year-old campus in east Jakarta, accepting an offer this week to move to a small office building on the other side of the Indonesian capital.
"Why should we be forced from our house while our attackers can walk freely?" asked the Rev. Matheus Mangentang, chairman of the 1,400-student school.
The government of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, which relies on the support of Islamic parties in Parliament, is struggling to balance deep Islamic traditions and a secular constitution. With elections coming next April, the government seems unwilling to defend religious minorities, lest it be portrayed as anti-Islamic in what is the world's most populous Muslim-majority country.
The July 25 attack, which injured 18 students, was the culmination of years of simmering tensions between the school and residents of the Kampung Pulo neighborhood.
Click here to continue reading this article, which is especially important in light of documentary evidence that the presumptive Democratic Presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama (or Barry Soetoro) may hold dual US and Indonesian citizenship.Considering Iran ...
Foreign Confidential....
Considering Iran, imagine how many innocent lives would have been saved had the United States been able to A-bomb Berlin at the beginning of World War II.
Considering Iran, imagine how many innocent lives would have been saved had the national debate in the US after 9/11 been between hawks who wanted to respond with nuclear weapons and doves who merely wanted to use conventional weapons to bomb the Islamist menace back into the Stone Age. The war against radical Islam would have been won in a matter of weeks or months. Instead, it has dragged on for a staggering seven years--and the US, Israel, and Europe are actually in danger of coming under Islamist nuclear attack in the near future.
Considering Iran, imagine how many innocent lives would have been saved had the US not allowed the country to fall to the Islamists in 1979, had the Carter administration not betrayed and abandoned the pro-US Shah in a craven attempt to curry favor with the clerical fascist leader, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (whom Jimmy Carter's UN envoy, Andrew Young, praised as "a saint.")
Considering Iran, imagine if our leaders had courage and common sense. It would be a different Middle East--and a different world.
Enough said. There is no more time to hesitate and debate. The choice, tragically, is between mass death in Iran or mass death in Israel and the US. Every day--every hour, maybe--matters.
There is no diplomatic solution to the problem of nuclear-arming, Islamist Iran (and Islamism in general). There is only a military solution. And it must be swift, merciless, and decisive.
Scroll down to read Andre Pachter's powerful polemic.Iranian Ironically Makes Case for Nuking Iran
Foreign Confidential...
The case for preemptive tactical nuclear strikes on Iran's nuclear, missile, biological and chemical warfare sites and Revolutionary Guard units grows stronger by the day.
Iranian Defense Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said on Tuesday that the Iranian armed forces are ready to counter any surprise attack by the enemies with a crushing response.
"The vigilant Iranian armed forces are now monitoring all military movements in the region round the clock," Najjar said.
"Iran is a powerful country in the region with high military might," he said, adding that recent war games conducted by the armed forces have demonstrated the capabilities of Iranian forces for the world.
Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) completed military maneuvers in the Persian Gulf called Payambar-e Azam 3 (Great Prophet 3) in mid July to improve combat readiness and capability.
Iran successfully test fired new long- and medium-range missiles in the drills.
"The enemies try to conduct a psychological warfare to intimidate us but to no avail," Najar said.
Scroll down to read Andre Pachter's powerful plea for an immediate and decisive attack on the monstrous mullahocracy.Is the US Ready for a President Who Befriended and Was Backed by Ex-Weather Underground Fugitives?
Vexing Questions About the Mysterious Mr. Obama
Dateline USA....
The blogosphere is buzzing. But the Obama campaign is keeping silent, refusing to answer some of the most vexing questions about the background and identity of The Candidate of Change.
Was Barack Obama born in the United States? Is the Obama birth certificate that was leaked to a left-wing website authentic?
What is his legal name? Is it Barack Hussein Obama II, the name on the leaked birth certificate, or Barack Obama, Jr., or Barack Obama, or Barry Soetoro?
Is Obama a dual or a triple citizen? Is he now or has he ever been an Indonesian citizen and/or a Kenyan citizen?
Obama traveled to Pakistan as a college student in the 1980s. Did he use an Indonesian passport or a Kenyan passport instead of a US passport to enter Pakistan?
Obama was born a Muslim according to Islamic religious law, which traces a person's religious identity through the father. And a seemingly authentic Indonesian school registration certificate lists Obama's religion as Muslim (and his citizenship as Indonesian). Did he practice Islam as a child, as his Indonesian friends and classmates have said? Did Obama ever formally convert to Christianity? Is he an apostate according to Islamic religious law?
Obama's cousin, Kenyan Prime Minister and opposition leader Raila Odinga, has allied himself with Islamists seeking to impose Islamic religious law on parts of Kenya. Does Obama approve of this alliance? How close is he to his cousin? Why did Obama campaign for his cousin during a visit to Kenya?
Saturday, 23 August 2008
Fox News reports from Jakarta that "hundreds of Christian theology students have been living in tents since a mob of angry Muslim neighbors stormed their campus last month wielding bamboo spears and hurling Molotov cocktails."
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 3:10 PM
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Britannia Radio