Sunday, 31 August 2008

Biased BBC
Saturday, August 30, 2008
David Vance #

PISSED OFF? No, I'm not being rude but merely quoting Alistair Darling on this BBC video (Which hilariously carries a warning that "This video contains strong language" - have you heard the profanities that litter so many BBC productions?) Anyway, Darling points out just how grim things are for the UK economy whilst suggesting that this is because of those international perfect storm economic conditions. The BBC interviewer could have enquired how it is that whilst the US reports 3.3% growth in the last quarter the UK under Labour has managed 0%. But that might suggest economic incompetence on behalf of Brown and Darling and that ain't part of the BBC's game. World conditions, nothing to see here, move along to the job centre...


Comments: 23 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #


As has already been noted by B-BBC's perspicacious readers, the US election has suddenly dropped off the BBC's lead news portal after days of Obamania dominating its daily agenda. I wonder what could have caused such a mysterious disappearance?

Hang on a second, I found this link related to someone called "The Barracuda". She seems to be a poor choice for a political role whoever she is since..and I quote from the BBC... "By choosing her, Mr McCain may have undercut his best attack against Senator Obama - if he uses the inexperience card now it will be turned against him and his running mate. While conservatives, such as radio host Rush Limbaugh and former Bush adviser Karl Rove, hailed the Palin surprise, there were also dismayed reactions from some Republicans, who felt the choice underscored Mr McCain's weaknesses and was too risky. In the meantime, Mr McCain and his new partner have something else to worry about - Mrs Palin is facing an investigation in Alaska for alleged abuse of power involving her former brother-in-law. Her deposition is expected to be scheduled soon. " The BBC - never knowingly fair and balanced.


Comments: 44 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #

SARAH WHO? I think that the BBC coverage of this US election really does warrant a whole chapter to itself in the forthcoming Biased BBC book. It just goes from bad to worse. Did you catch Sarah Montague's 7.12am interview with the Beeb Washington correspondent Kim Ghattas concerning the selection of Sarah Palin to run as V-P? It's laced with subtle and not so subtle attacks on Palin and the buzz words are "inexperience" "anti abortion" "very conservative." Sarah Montague and Kim Ghattas both agree that McCain has "undercut" his best line of attack against the Obamessiah by choosing such as inexperienced candidate and then tried to present this GOP choice as a victory for the Dems. I am no fan of John McCain but let me say that should he win in November, then there will be at least one bottle of champagne strewn across the corridor in my house! The BBC are bound to declare a day of national mourning with accompanying solemn music, before launching into the "racist" America diatribe that is never far from the surface in their toxic left wing minds. Their coverage of this election has been staggeringly biased and in my mind it is more evidence why the axe needs to be taken to such a powerful but unbalanced State broadcaster.


Comments: 94 (unread) - Biased BBC Home