Sunday, August 31, 2008
Iran Warns of 'World War'
Foreign Confidential....
Iran is escalating its war of words with the United States and Israel.
A senior Iranian military commander has warned that a "world war" would erupt in the event the US or Israel launch an offensive against his country, the official Iran News Agency reported on Saturday.
"Any aggression against Iran will start a world war," deputy chief of staff for defence publicity, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri, said in a statement carried by IRNA.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Foreign Confidential analysts confirm that Iran, Hezbollah, and Syria are preparing coordinated ballistic missile strikes against Israel--and bombardment of US bases across the Middle East. Iran has vowed to "burn Tel Aviv." Should Israel's main population center come under massive attack with significant civilian casualties, the Jewish state would not hesitate to use any and all weapons--including nuclear-tipped missiles--to defend its citizens.Saturday, August 30, 2008
Ex-DNC Chief's Cruel Comments Caught on Video
Get out your vomit bags and hold onto your seats.
RedState is featuring a video of former Democratic National Committee Chairman Don Fowler laughing and joking about Gustav, a category 4-5 hurricane that is expected to make landfall in the US in a few days.
Fowler says the hurricane's threat to New Orleans--it could hit the city during the Republican National Convention--demonstrates that "God is on our side."
Fowler made the comment in a conversation with Democratic Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina (5th District) during a flight from Denver, Colorado, to Charlotte, North Carolina, following the Democratic National Convention. A passenger captured the exchange on video and posted it on YouTube. Click below to screen it--an eyewitness video gem.
Click here for a bio of Fowler, and here, here, and here for background information concerning a ... foul ... fundraising scandal in which he was implicated and about which he testified before a US Senate committee.
Fowler is a familiar type to many journalists and pundits, someone who has lived off a political party--in Fowler's case, the Democrats--for most of his adult life.
UPDATE: Gustav, the hurricane that Fowler finds so funny, could be more dangerous than Katrina. It could also deal a devastating blow to oil fields in the Gulf of Mexico, which produce 1.3 million barrels a day of oil--about a quarter of US production, and 7.4 billion cubic feet a day of natural gas, which is 14 percent of the total.. Hurricane Katrina in 2005 closed 95 percent of regional offshore output and, along with Hurricane Rita, idled about 19 percent of US refining capacity. Is Fowler so fanatically anti-oil, so partisan and so fouled up, that he finds this amusing?No-Drill Democrats Fear Obama May Waffle on Oil
Dateline USA....
Al Gore and other fanatic, no-drill Democrats are reeling.
Already taken aback by their Presidential candidate's embrace of natural gas (and nuclear power) and apparent waffling on offshore oil drilling, the environmental extremists fear that Barack Obama will soon soften his stance on tapping Alaska's awesome oil reserves--an unpardonable sin, according to the zealots.
Republican John McCain's surprise Vice Presidential pick, Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin, is both a conservationist and a strong advocate of responsible oil production and exploration. With gasoline prices still painfully high--and millions of Americans in northern regions of the country worrying about paying for home heating oil during the coming winter season--Palin is expected to shake up the national energy debate in ways that will work against the anti-oil Democrats.
The whole notion of ending the nation's so-called oil addiction, to use Obama's pet term, is a dangerous delusion; modern civilization, as Palin knows, runs on oil, and will continue to run on oil for at least the next 20 years.
POSTSCRIPT: Palin is also a threat to the Democrats' fanatic opposition to gun ownership and self-defense. She is a hunter, and a life-time member of the National Rifle Association.Moscow May Feel Threatened by Sarah Palin
Foreign Confidential....
Russia's top leaders are said to be stunned by John McCain's selection of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his running mate--a virtually unknown political personality with no known foreign policy experience.
The reason for the Russian reaction, diplomatic and media sources in Moscow say, is that the Kremlin, in keeping with its political culture and traditions, sees a conspiracy afoot--against Russia.
"Picking Palin as Vice President feeds Russian paranoia," our correspondent reports. "The Russian leadership jumps to the conclusion that McCain is sending them a signal, choosing a conservative from Russia's neighbor and former territory across the Bering Strait [before the sale of Alaska to the United States in 1867]. The Russians believe this means McCain is willing to risk a new cold war to defend Georgia, Ukraine and Poland against Russia's resurgence."The Kremlin may also interpret Palin's presence on the Republican ticket as proof that the US intends to compete with Russia for Arctic oil resources. The Alaskan governor is a strong advocate for domestic oil production; and her husband is an oil worker.
During the Cold War, the 53-mile-wide Bering Strait marked the border between the US and the Soviet Union. The island of Big Diomede, Russia's eastern-most point, is only 2.4 miles from the US island of Little Diomede. During the Cold War, indigenous peoples on the US and Russian sides were prevented from crossing the border, which became known asThe Ice Curtain.
Sunday, 31 August 2008
Dateline USA....
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Britannia Radio