Monday, 11 August 2008

Biased BBC....(Rambos versus Bamboes)

Biased BBC
Monday, August 11, 2008
David Vance #

Sunday, August 10, 2008
David Vance #

SWAMP FEVER. The headline says it all "Activists start leaving eco-camp". The story concerns the activities of militant greenies determined to stop the UK developing necessary future power provision. In this case the BBC notes that on Saturday a group of about 100 campaigners, "some carrying drums and banners" (Will the 1960's ever really go away?) marched from the camp to the power station. One must assume thateveryone in Kent approves of the actions of these lunatic fringers since the BBC seems unable to offer up any other opinions other than those of these "climate change activists."


Comments: 30 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

David Vance #

FOXES CALL FOR POULTRY PROTECTION RIGHTS. I was reading this BBC article on the alleged need for a Bill of Rights for the UK. The Joint Committee on Human Rights suggest that the bill should go further than current human rights legislation. This proposed further intrusion of a rights rather than responsibility based culture is given BBC approval since the ONLY voice quoted offering dissent is that of....who else?...Universal Shami! Ms Chakrbarti is concerned that we must be careful any new Bill of Rights does not conflict with the current Human Rights Act! The ratchet factor - always pusing to the left.,...


Comments: 22 (unread) - Biased BBC Home