Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Following on from scientist and NASA astronaut Ed Mitchell admitting on Kerrang Radio that he was convinced that aliens were regularly visiting Planet earth, the worldwide feeling is that governments are beginning to open their files, and admit what they know. The above video, for example shows the interview with another famous astronaut, Buzz Alldrin who claims he saw a UFO during Apollo 11's mission, but the story was suppressed at the time.
The reason the stories are being released now could be that over 70% of Americans are already convinced by reports from various sources that aliens do exist and that many UFO stories have credibility. Another unmentioned factor is that the use of the internet, with Youtube videos and other digital media, is accelerating the dissemination of information that was previously easy to keep secret. It is getting harder for governments to deceive their electorates.
The same influence could be having an impact on the attempt by the EU to deceive the whole of Europe about its intentions with the Lisbon Treaty. The Irish referendum might have gone to YES in the pre-internet age, for example. Governments could not long ago control all media and practise deceptions such as the pre-Iraq War intelligence on WMD. The UFO unfreezing of past government deceptions is another sign that the world is not the same any more.
In the last five years, information is open to all, and no one can hide much for long any more. Maybe in time, the standard of people working in government will rise to meet the expectations of the millions who have to suffer from their corruption and incompetence. The coming of the Little Green Men could herald in a new democratic age, where truth is at a premium over spin. I mean, what would Blair have done sharing the limelight with aliens? The old pre-internet world itself already seems quite alien.
Posted by tapestry at 9:07 PM
Friday, 1 August 2008
UFOs Go Mainstream
Posted by
Britannia Radio