As I understand it, a referendum was held on the 1972 ratified treaty in 1975.
Monday, 29 September 2008
Had the people voted NO, the Treaty could have been repudiated re Denning.
By repealing the European Community's Act 1972.
However, If the EU has sprung in to action supposing all 27 states had ratified it quite a while before the Conservative's got in-just supposing the did get in- then I rather suspect the EU would ensure that certain Articles from the Treaty were activated pretty quickly and would make clear that this Country could never "Get out" of the Treaty -
How do I know that?
Because it is what anyone that desperately wants the destruction of this Country would do and by making sure there were no forces, money, resistance etc to do such an action.
The EU after-all has been preparing for such a moment for 36 years. It is called forward thinking, something I was particularly good at.
This is one reason I have suggested using the EU MEP's election as the referendum we never had-this would give the Conservatives the nudge that they may not get into power unless they change their tune. It would also give confidence to the people of Ireland to say "NO" in a second referendum if they knew they were not alone.
It needs everyone to put their Country before their political Party though, preferably in every Country.
It was not until I met and discussed the EU at length with a conservative Council Leader who was supposed to be suspicious of the EU that I realised the lengths that that party will go to conceal its EU-promoting agenda. Up to then I would have said that the conservatives were our only hope.
From that point on, delving only a bit deeper, it has become clear that they are utterly pro-EU but try to convince the electorate that this is not the case for obvious reasons.
Certainly, their history gives no cause for optimism and Cameron reneging on his promise to switch groups in Brussels gives a massive clue.
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Britannia Radio