Monday, 29 September 2008

China’s Bloodless Taking Over of The USA by Guadamour
By dandelionsalad
Corsi’s book gives the history of how the European Union came about slowly and incrementally over the course of fifty years. He convincingly demonstrates how that process is taking place currently in North America, though at a much more ...
Dandelion Salad - 

EU Stands in for Poland at ?Donut Hole' Treaty Session (press release) - Salem,OR,USA
Kordecka previously worked for Friends of the Earth Europe on European chemical policy reform. Neither she nor the EU's press office in Brussels respond to ...
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Lavrov wants new European security treaty after Georgia conflict
Monsters and - USA
Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves said that the UN's inability to act showed just how important it was to reform the UN Security Council, ...
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Hague ready to hold Europe referendum Times Online - UK A ...
By Britannia Radio(Britannia Radio)
Hague ready to hold Europe referendum Times Online - UK A referendum would be popular with the Tories’ Eurosceptic MPs and grassroots activists who believe that the European Union reform treaty undermines ... See all stories on this ...
Britannia Radio -
EU Denial
By Peter Troy(Peter Troy)
The equivalent of their Baines Report was the Treaty of Rome and the subsequent treaties, which gradually stripped them of many of their powers and turned political government of the UK into managerial governance, centred on Brussels. ...
Very British (Political) Subjects -
The Daily WAR (06-26)
By The Daily Warrior(The Daily Warrior)
Now Brussels has found a new explanation as to why Ireland voted down the European Union treaty in June - a CIA and Pentagon-backed plot, devised by American neoconservatives to weaken the EU. The calls have been led by Daniel ...
The Daily World Affairs Report -
Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/27/2008
By Dymphna(Baron Bodissey)
A recent European Commission report leaked earlier this month said that the EU was “losing the battle for hearts and minds” partly because of the activities of anti-EU bloggers. The recent defeat of the Lisbon Treaty in the Irish ...
Gates of Vienna -
by Kat McConnell
By Timothy(Timothy)
Ask the Brits or French how they like being voiceless citizens of the EU, ruled by unelected bureaucrats, their national heritage and history drowned out by a sea of third world immigrants, and having the 'Reform Treaty,' [15] aka, ...
Other information - 

Communications Data Retention - internet access, internet e-mail ...
By Spy Blog
This follows on from the European Commission's "policy laundered" Mandatory Data Retention scheme, which affects the 450 million people in the European Union states, but which was steered through the EU bureaucracy by the then British ...
Close Protection Forum and Surveillan... -