When politicians or pressure groups come up with proposals to gladden the heart of a right-thinking Guardian reader, accentuate the positive. Think the ongoing pro-euthanasia campaign (aka "helping people die"). When they come up with proposals to horrify same, look around for negative quotes - and make the negative reaction the headline. The recent formation of a cross-party group calling for a cap on immigration illustrates this neatly. The papers report this development pretty straight - even the leftish Indieand Mirror. Only one national paper leads on negative reaction. I'm sure you would never guess which one. The BBC follow their lead (or does the Guardian follow the BBC ?) withthis - opening headline and introduction focused on negative reaction rather then the proposals of the newly-formed group. (The BBC do have a bit of previous on this topic) Labels: immigrationBiased BBC Monday, September 08, 2008
Laban #Do We See A Pattern ?
Monday, 8 September 2008
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Britannia Radio