It’s September and millions of unfortunate Spaniards, having just finished four full weeks of paid summer holidays, are confronting the unbearable trauma of heading back to work. And as happens every year around this time, an armada of psychologists, psychiatrists and sundry other mental health specialists, many of whom are feeding off of the largesse of the social welfare state, are offering their services to those afflicted with an ailment that Spaniards call “Post-Vacation Syndrome.” As German journalist Henryk Broder put it after the 2006 riots over the Danish cartoons of Muhammad: "Objectively speaking, the cartoon controversy was a tempest in a teacup. But subjectively it was a show of strength and, in the context of the 'clash of civilizations,' a dress rehearsal for the real thing. The Muslims demonstrated how quickly and effectively they can mobilize the masses, and the free West showed that it has nothing to counter the offensive -- nothing but fear, cowardice and an overriding concern about the balance of trade. Now the Islamists know that they are dealing with a paper tiger whose roar is nothing but a tape recording."Does Socialism Breed Laziness? Spain and the Problem of Post-Vacation Syndrome
UK Immigration – Is Change on its Way?
Islamization and Cowardice in Scandinavia
Monday, 8 September 2008
From the desk of Soeren Kern on Mon, 2008-09-08 12:08
From the desk of A. Millar on Mon, 2008-09-08 08:47
» 2 comments | 189 reads
From the desk of Fjordman on Mon, 2008-09-08 08:20
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