Saturday, September 20, 2008Hugh #
A parrallel universe
He may be a Republican pollster, but Frank Luntz is doing no favours for the Conservatives in this Newsnight report on how the party leaders are viewed. "We've gathered floating voters," he begins. "Left-leaning floating voters". And aren't they.
With Channel 4's poll of marginal seats the other day showing the Conservatives heading for a 150 seat majority, and the Lib Dems currently polling at just 12%, Newsnight managed to find a group of floating voters who were going to vote for Clegg practically to a man.
"You’re frustrated with your prime minister, but I don’t think you’re running to the Conservatives either," observered Luntz. Perhaps not, but practically everyone else is. "There’s no outcry for him (Gordon) to leave," he observed. Really? But this is Beeb land, so my advice to the Lib Dems? Go back to your constituencies and prepare for Government.
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Friday, September 19, 2008David Vance #
The BBC must really be scared of Sarah Palin given the sheer amount of media space it helpfully allocates to those who seek to attack her. Have a read of this rant against her - and ask, where is the balance? Clearly the Huffington Post is a good source for BBC attacks
Labels: anti-McCain, anti-Palin
Comments: 9 (unread) - Biased BBC Home
David Vance #
If you want a laugh, have a read of this BBC article entitled "Where now for capitalism"? Great to read the thoughts of such renowned free marketeers as....Noam Chomsky, Tony Benn, Brendan Barber. Along with other elements within the left-wing media, the BBC takes delight at the current chaos in the money markets/housing market and it is fantasising at the moment that capitalism is dying and it's time for socialism uber alles.
Labels: anti-business
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David Vance #
Wonder what you make of this item suggesting that the BBC could lose its exclusive right to the license fee?
"Ofcom will on Thursday suggest sharing the £3.4 billion-a-year pot with other channels to help them make unprofitable public service programmes such as children's television, regional news, arts shows and documentaries."
I don't think this is good news since it does not address the central wrong of a license tax in the first place. Ofcom seems to think that the more you spread a bad idea around the better it is. Well I don't think so. Broadcasters should stand or fall on their own financial capabilities and NONE of us should be forced to spend so much as one penny propping any of them up. Ofcom does not offer a solution, it merely proposes deepening the problem.
Labels: license tax
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Hugh #
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Labels: open thread
Comments: 29 (unread) - Biased BBC Home
Hugh #
Balance over time
Hilariously the Beeb has decided to balance its earlier anti-Palin, Democrat-supporting comic turn by liberal commentator Joe Bageant, on which I commented a while ago, with an anti-Palin, Democrat supporting comic turnfrom liberal commentator Jamie Stiehm. So, on the one hand you've got a Democrat supporter who reckons the party needs to make greater efforts to understand small-town America to counter the Republican's cynical appeal to its worst instincts. On the other, you've got a Democrat supporter who reckons the party needs to persuade small town America to abandon its attachment to small town values, which are being cynically exploited by the Republicans. The full range of opinion, then.
Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home
Saturday, 20 September 2008
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Britannia Radio