Sunday, 7 September 2008


Polly : Get Rid of Brown or the Labour Party Will Die

Once he was Polly's "towering intellect" and the greatest politician of our time. A year later and now "Unseating Gordon Brown may be Labour's last chance".

Polly says Guido is no good at writing about politicsbecause he is unsympathetic to politicians. Perhaps, Polly, being over-sympathetic to a politician blinded you to his faults. Good to see you completely coming round to Guido's point of view on the Prime Mentalist at last.

UPDATE : "Bogeyman" reminds us in the comments of Polly's consistency and prescience:

St Polly of the Towering Intellect, 29 June 2007:
"But then, as they stepped into No 10 yesterday, here was as decent and clever a team of ministers as ever graced the cabinet table. Two Milibands, Ed Balls, Jackie Smith, Harriet Harman, Alan Johnson, Douglas Alexander, Peter Hain and Hilary Benn - with the likes of John Denham and Yvette Cooper in attendance - present a good front. It's certainly the most genuinely united government in living memory."
St Polly of the Towering Intellect, 6 September 2008:
"The smell of death around this government is so overpowering it seems to have anaesthetised them all. One bungle follows another and yet those about to die sit silently by... The ineptitude of Brown's Downing Street worsens by the week. The shrinking band of those he trusts are now his old rottweilers, who shred what's left of their leader's reputation. This week when they mauled Alistair Darling for telling an obvious truth (his actual words much exaggerated in the reporting), they attacked one of Brown's few truly loyal friends and a decent man. This is the sign of an inner cabal out of control... A cabinet of minnows and spineless backbenchers include many - perhaps most - who want Brown gone, but lack the nerve to act."
For those who want to savour Littlejohn bitch-slapping Polly again, watch it again here.