Dear Fellow American:
As I write this letter, the far Left — the Obama campaign, the Democratic Party headed by Howard Dean and the major (liberal) media—are all working in overdrive to destroy and smear Sarah Palin.
They believe if they can destroy this courageous young woman and popular governor, they will end John McCain’s bid for president.
Just this week, commentator Bill Maher ridiculed Sarah’s baby son who has Down's syndrome. These people are absolutely despicable.
They have one goal: Put Barack Obama — the most radical left-winger ever nominated by the Democratic Party — in the Oval Office.
Because of this, I am urgently writing you on behalf of the Republican Majority Campaign PAC, one of the nation’s largest and most influential PACs.
We are fighting to expose Barack Obama’s radical agenda and defend Sarah Palin and John McCain from the liberal media.
We have plans to launch a multi-million dollar TV and online ad campaign to reach millions in the next two weeks, but we need your financial help.
We need it more than ever because Barack Obama will likely spend more money than any candidate in history to get control of the White House.
Make no mistake about it: Barack Obama has very powerful backers.
Obama promised he would abide by campaign finance limits, as John McCain has agreed to.
He lied. This week alone, Obama raised $8 million! He could easily spend $500 million during his whole campaign to buy the White House.
Worse, John McCain and Sarah Palin have their hands tied with public financing limits.
That’s why the Republican Majority Campaign needs your urgent help in our major national TV ad campaign to help John McCain and Sarah Palin.
The Republican Majority Campaign PAC is one of the nation’s leading PACs.
Already the Republican Majority Campaign PAC has spent $2 million on grass-roots efforts exposing Obama, voter by voter.
But it’s clear we need to do more and urgently.
We need to tell the American people the truth about Obama, his agenda and his radical associates.
In our national campaign we’ll reveal the truth about Obama’s radical tax agenda, including:
his plan to almost double capital gains tax
his plan to let the Bush tax cuts expire
his plan to raise gasoline taxes
his plan to nationalize healthcare
We will also reveal the sordid truth about Barack Obama:
How for 20 years he sat silently as his minister, the radical preacher
Jeremiah Wright, said he hated America — the same preacher who
blamed the 9/11 attacks on OUR OWN GOVERNMENT.
The involvement of convicted felon Tony Resko in the purchase of Obama's$1,300,000 home.
His despicable association with his friend William Ayers, who was on the FBI’s Most Wanted list for over 10 terrorist attacks.
The fact that at age 25, Obama was backed by a radical Muslim activist close to the Saudi royal family when he applied to Harvard Law School.
The Ayers Connection
William Charles Ayers and Barack Obama have been friends for decades.
There is clear evidence that their lives and dealings have been intertwined for many years.
We have reason to believe that Obama and Ayers were friends way back in 1986.
They even served together in 1995 on the Annenberg Challenge, overseeing the distribution of about $50 million to area schools.
That same year, Ayers hosted Obama in his own home and donated to his campaign.
What does the association between Ayers and Obama say about Obama’s political views and perspective?
Ayers was an anti-American, traitorous radical who will stop at nothing to push his hateful communist agenda.
In the 1960s and 70s, he was a leader in the notorious underground terrorist group, the “Weathermen.”
The Weathermen declared war on the United States government and they bombed over 30 establishments (leading to multiple fatalities, including police officers).
Obama's friend Bill Ayers

“Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars
and apartments. Bring the revolution home,
kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”
William Ayers
Ayers is unapologetic about his terrorist activities.
Incredibly, on Sept. 11, 2001, Ayers is quoted by The New York Times as saying, “I don’t regret setting bombs … I feel we didn’t do enough.”
How could a man like Obama associate with such a dangerous radical? And even defend him?
And now Obama, Ayers friend, could be sitting in the White House next year — unless we tell the American people the unvarnished truth about them!
We Must Defend Sarah Palin and John McCain.
The major media have already decided who their candidate is: MSNBC host Chris Matthews says Barack Obama makes a “thrill” go up his leg when he hears him speak.
Oprah has picked your next president.
But you can stop Chris Matthews, Oprah and the rest of the liberal media.
You can say we the American people will pick our president.
Your voice can be heard — we need your urgent help with the Republican Majority Campaign PAC.
Your maximum possible gift of $5,000 would help us enormously.
Even smaller donations are going to help.
Anything you can do will give us the ammunition we need to fight for John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Any amount — $1000, $500, $250, or even $100 will help show the truth before the November Presidential election.
Even if you can only afford $35 or $25 — we need your help and we need it now.
We must act quickly. We want to have our first ads up reaching millions in the next two weeks. Ronald Reagan once said, “If not us, who? If not now, when?
I will let you answer his questions today.
Thank you, and God bless America!
You Can Make a Difference — Go Here Now!
Gary Kreep
Executive Director
Republican Majority Campaign PAC
Paid for by the Republican Majority Campaign.
Not Authorized by Any Candidate or Candidate’s Campaign.