From The Sunday Times
September 7, 2008
Rebel Frank Field leads calls for curbs on migrants
David Leppard
The leading Labour rebel, Frank Field, has teamed up with senior Tories
to demand a cap on the number of immigrants settling in Britain.
In a move that will alarm Downing Street, Field will tomorrow become the
first prominent Labour figure to tackle Gordon Brown openly over the
explosive issue of immigration.
A former welfare minister under Tony Blair, Field will join Nicholas
Soames, the Tory MP, to call for a huge reduction in the numbers of non-
European Union workers who settle permanently in Britain. Soames, a
former minister under John Major, is a hate figure among many Labour
Together with the pressure group Migrationwatch, Field and his allies
will launch the first cross-party parliamentary immigration group. The
move has tacit support from at least one government minister.
Field aims to push Brown to end Britain’s open door immigration policy,
which he says is costing British jobs and is deeply unpopular with
The Labour maverick led the backbench rebellion over Brown’s
controversial abolition of the 10p tax rate. His latest intervention
will be seen by Downing Street as likely to cause division within Labour
ranks by challenging Brown on a key area of Labour policy. Until now the
idea of imposing any kind of immigration quota has been taboo in Labour
Field believes that unchecked immigration is placing an intolerable
burden on schools, transport, the health service and the environment. He
will cite figures showing that the rise in immigration means that
Britain will need to build seven new cities the size of Birmingham by
A forecast by the European commission predicts that Britain’s population
will rise from 60.9m today to 77m within 50 years, making it Europe’s
most populous country.
In 2006, the latest year for which figures are available, an estimated
591,000 people arrived in the UK. About 400,000 left the country,
leaving net immigration at 191,000.
Field will call on Brown to balance the number of those coming to settle
in Britain with those emigrating.
He will propose that all but a tiny minority of the skilled foreigners
from outside the EU coming to work here on new four-year work permits
should leave as soon as their permits expire. Under the present system,
most stay on and are allowed to settle permanently.
“The group believe that this should be the central aim of immigration
policy. Only a small number would be allowed to settle and that number
would be capped,” said a source close to Field.
Yesterday one government minister said he privately supported the move.
“We absolutely have to have a cap, otherwise how can you control it? Any
sensible person will say that predictions that the population will grow
to nearly 80m is unsustainable,” he said.
“If you don’t have a cap on those who stay after their work permits
expire, you can’t control the long-term trend.”
Field has spoken about the need to control immigration from eastern
Europe. But this is the first time that any Labour figure has called for
a quota on migrants coming to settle.
Ministers have consistently dismissed Tory calls for a quota, saying it
would make little difference as most migrants come from the EU and have
a legal right to stay. But that view is challenged by Migrationwatch,
which has found that immigration from the EU will soon balance out. The
pressure of immigration in future will come from non-EU countries,
including those in Africa and Asia.
Unofficial estimates suggest that as many as 100,000 foreigners a year
who come to Britain under work permit schemes decide to flout
immigration rules and stay on when their permits expire.
The Home Office has recently introduced an Australian points-based
system designed to restrict the number of non-EU migrants entering under
the work permit scheme to those who have proper qualifications and
experience. But the Tories — and Field — believe that the scheme is
still an open door because it does not set an annual limit on numbers.
David Cameron, the Conservative party leader, said last year that he
wanted to reduce “substantially” the number of non-EU immigrants. He has
promised to announce a specific limit in the party’s next election
Field will emphasise that he does not want a limit on the numbers of new
migrants per se. Instead he plans to target the more important issue of
placing a cap on those who settle here permanently.
Field’s friends say his move is designed to reflect genuine concern
among working-class people in his Birkenhead constituency. Last December
the MP revealed new figures which showed that most new jobs were going
to migrants. The figures made a mockery of Brown’s declaration that he
wanted “British jobs for British workers”.
The Statistics Commission said that 1.4m workers born abroad had taken
jobs in Britain since 1997 — up to 81% of the 1.7m new jobs.
The new group believes it has backing from business leaders such as the
Institute of Directors and the CBI. Field expects to receive substantial
public support. Previous opinion polls show about half of existing
migrants felt there should be curbs on future immigrants coming to
A Home Office spokesperson last night said: "Migration is good for
employment and good for the economy - new migrants contributed £6
billion to the UK economy in 2006 alone.
"The tough Australian-style points system means only those Britain needs
and no more can come here and it's flexible - allowing us to raise or
lower the bar according to the needs of business and the country as a
whole. When setting the pass mark, we will listen to the advice of the
Migration Advisory Committee, an independent panel of economists.
"All migrants must speak English and obey the law if they want to gain
http://www.timesonl tol/news/ politics/ article4692865. ece
Sunday, 7 September 2008
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Britannia Radio