Monday, 1 September 2008

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Monday, September 1, 2008
The Army of the Nations An Al Qaida Style Group In Gaza Prepares For Battle Against Israel
Jaysh al Ummah or the Army of the Nation a Palestinian Islamic group who models its ideology on Osama Bin Laden's Al Qaida, is training for a battle against Israel in Gaza. Hamas has allowed estremist groups such as the Army of Nation and the Army of Islam to raise their heads in Gaza, and supplies them with funds and weapons, recognizing them as legitimate military groups but at the same time has cautioned them not to interfere in internal Palestinian politics. 09/01/08

Society - An Overwhelming First Day As 1.5 Million Students Begin School Year In Israel
On Saturday morning, September 1st, 2008, almost a million and a half children readied their school bags, packed their lunch boxes and set out for the first day of the new academic year in Israel. Between the apprehension of the youngest students who fear their first day of school and the indifference of oldest students who have no idea what awaits them in real life, back to school day in Israel is a unique experience for both children and parents alike. 09/01/08
Faces - Special - Faces of Israel - Moral
A special series on People from all walks of life and origins, speak to about how they feel as an Israeli, and what Israel means to them.09/01/08
International - Dutch Government Pulls Intelligence Operatives Out Of Iran In Preparation For American Air Strike
Following months of speculative reports in the Western media of an impending air strike on Iranian nuclear facilities, speculations have now reached an all time high after a Dutch newspaper recently reported that Holland's military intelligence service suspended all espionage operations in Iran due to expectations of an American strike. 09/01/08
Middle-East - Israel To Pull Out Of Northern Ghajar That Straddles The Israel Lebanon Border - A Town Of Divided Loyalties
Israel has informed the United States that it is prepared to withdraw from the northern part of Ghajar on the Lebanese border, after the Lebanese government delivered written assurances that UNIFIL would be given security and civilian control over the northern part of the village, which is in Lebanese territory. The army's planning branch and northern command are currently working on details in preparation for the pullout. 09/01/08
Minutes - Minute - Moslems Celebrate The Holy Month Of Ramadan
Millions of Moslems all over the world begin celebrating the holiday of Ramadan, considered a time for spiritual purification achieved through fasting, self-sacrifice and prayers. Celebrated during the ninth month of Islamic calendar, the fast is observed each day from sunrise to sunset. Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five Pillars of Islam. 09/01/08
Middle-East - Israel To Pull Out Of Northern Ghajar
Israel has informed the United States that it is prepared to withdraw from the northern part of Ghajar on the Lebanese border, after the Lebanese government delivered written assurances that UNIFIL would be given security and civilian control over the northern part of the village, which is in Lebanese territory. The army's planning branch and northern command are currently working on details in preparation for the pullout. 09/01/08
International - Russia Spits In The Face Of The West, Intends To Supply Iran With S-300 Air Defense System
Russia's threat to supply the sophisticated S-300 air defense system to Iran, if Washington pushes through Nato membership for Georgia and Ukraine, is causing great alarm in Israel and the United States. 08/31/08
Minutes - International Minute - Cambodian Boy's Best Friend - A Python Called Chomran
A seven-year old boy in Kandal province of Cambodia has a rather unusual best friend. Kuon Samnang has been spending time with his 4.8 metre long pet reptile since he was born. They are the same age and have hardly been separated in their whole lives. Samnang spends his days playing with Chomran, hugging the snake and trying to teach it tricks. 08/31/08