Today's Top Stories
Reports swirl of US-pushed stealth effort to secure two-state agreementIsraeli officials Monday tried to dispel a rash of rumors that the Olmert government was poised to sign a surprise interim agreement with the PLO that would bind future Israeli leaders to the US-pushed "Two-state Solution." The stories circulated widely ...
Katrina victim: Gustav tied to division of Jerusalem
"I wasn't astonished when I read WorldNetDaily's breaking story that Jerusalem's division has been drafted," Bridgett Magee said Monday morning, pointing to [a news report from the day before](http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=73965). The newly-Jerusalem-based American Christian Zionist said that when she heard that ...
Report: American presidents loved on US diplomat's murderer
When, in 1993, then-United States President Bill Clinton welcomed PLO chief Yasser Arafat onto the lawn of the White House and offered to help the arch-terrorist get his bloody hands on chunks of the Jews' historic homeland, the Commander in ...
Israel bows to another demand - to trust UN with more security in the north
Jerusalem Sunday messaged Washington that Israel is willing to pull out of a piece of land on the Lebanon border in accordance with the demands of the Hizb'allah - a terrorist organization that is increasingly extending its control over Israel's ...
US gearing up to attack Iran - report
The United States is preparing to launch an attack on the Iranian nuclear program with something expected to happen "in the coming weeks." This is according to a [report on the Ynetnews website](http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3590336,00.html) Monday, which in turn was based on ...
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