The Tory Lead Is More Solid Than You Might Think
The Conservatives last won a general election in 1992. That was also
the year when the opinion polls met their Waterloo.
The Conservatives last won a general election in 1992. That was also
the year when the opinion polls met their Waterloo. The results of 50
nationwide surveys were published during that campaign. All but six
showed Labour ahead, and they all suggested that the outcome of the
election would be a hung Parliament, with Labour probably the largest
party. They were all wrong. The largest Tory lead reported by any
poll during the campaign was only a single percentage point. In the
event, the Conservatives’ lead over Labour approached eight points.
To this day, no one knows why the polls came a cropper in 1992.
Indeed, no one knows for sure why the polls went on to perform with
only indifferent success in 1997 and 2001. To be sure, they forecast
comfortable Labour victories on both occasions, but most of them — as
in 1992 — exaggerated Labour’s share of the vote. Only last time, in
May 2005, were the poll forecasts in line with what actually happened.
The obvious inference to be drawn is that, even now, opinion-poll
findings may not be entirely reliable. Maybe the Tories are not as
far ahead as they seem. There is, however, a less obvious inference
to be drawn: that anyone wanting to know what is really going on
should not rely too heavily on the headline voting-intention figures.
Even in 1992 there were signs that all was not as it seemed — signs
that caused some of us at the Daily Telegraph to counsel against the
paper’s organising its post-election coverage on the assumption that
Labour, not the Tories, had won.
For example, although some (not all) of Gallup’s surveys for the
Telegraph showed Labour ahead, the responses to the same
organisation’s principal question on the economy told a different
story. Gallup asked: ‘With Britain in economic difficulties, which
party do you think could handle the problem best, the Conservatives
or Labour?’ On the eve of the 1992 election — at a time when economic
issues were uppermost in people’s minds — 43 per cent of those
interviewed said the Conservatives, only 31 per cent Labour.
Those numbers hardly foretold a Labour triumph. Similarly, if you dug
deeper, you noticed that people who responded ‘Don’t know’ to
Gallup’s voting-intention question often gave pro-Tory responses to
other questions — on who, for example, would make the best Prime
Minister (Major, not Kinnock). Perhaps all along there were thousands
of bashful or half-hearted Tories out there. They knew or suspected
how they would vote but, in the climate of that time, were reluctant
to say so.
What about now? Last week YouGov on behalf of the Daily Telegraph
presented its respondents with a list of 19 ‘problems facing the
country’ and asked which political party they thought could best
handle each of them. The problems ranged from the credit crunch
through education to Britain’s relations with Europe — and on 18 of
the 19 the Tories were ahead. The only exception, bizarrely in view
of the Tories’ focus on the issue, was childcare and support for the
family. Otherwise the Tories’ leads ranged from a healthy 25 points
on traditional Conservative issues such as immigration and law and
order to only a single point on the NHS, a traditional Labour issue.
The Tories are also well ahead — by 17 points — on economic
competence, with Liberal Democrat supporters increasingly leaning in
their direction.
There is thus substantial depth at the moment in voters’ preference
for the Conservatives over Labour. Even more significant is the fact
that, when YouGov asked virtually identical questions on the eve of
the general election two years ago, Labour led on most issues
(except, as usual, on immigration and law and order). On the economy
at that time, Labour’s lead was a comfortable 21 points — compared
with the Conservatives’ lead of 17 points now.
However, one feature of YouGov’s latest findings casts a shadow over
all the main parties and, indeed, over Britain’s entire political
class. It captures a growing trend, one that has scarcely been noticed.
When people are asked YouGov’s ‘best to handle’ question, they are
given the option of refusing to name any political party but of
responding either ‘None of them’ or else ‘Don’t know’; and the number
of people ticking one or other of those boxes has soared in recent
months. Last week respondents were asked to say which party they
preferred on 19 issues, and the proportion ticking either ‘None of
them’ or ‘Don’t know’ fell only once below a third. In nine instances
it rose to 40 per cent or more. The cynics and the quizzical together
almost invariably outnumbered those opting for any one party.
Similarly, asked last week to say who would make the best Prime
Minister, 34 per cent said David Cameron (compared with only 16 per
cent Gordon Brown), but 40 per cent said ‘Don’t know’ — a far larger
proportion than was ever recorded in the past.
Under present circumstances, a popular vote of confidence in
Britain’s entire political class would probably be lost, possibly by
a wide margin. Politicians, like bankers, short-sellers and hedge-
fund managers, need to attend to their collective reputation.
Anthony King is professor of government at Essex University and a
contributing editor to The Spectator
Thursday, 25 September 2008
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