Thursday, 25 September 2008

Thursday 25th SeptemberBritain's leading conservative blog

Gove Fraser Nelson interviews Michael Gove

"In the first Queen’s Speech there has to be an education reform bill. But there are things that we can do before that. If you then say, “I am authorising expenditure to inform every citizen of the new freedoms they will have,” that’s a sign of seriousness." - The Spectator

The Tory lead is more solid than you might think - Anthony King in The Spectator

The Conservative Party has called a review of its direct marketing account

"The party has contacted agencies with a brief to build public support and help raise money...The Tories are thought to be looking for an agency that has fundraising expertise and experience of working in the political sector." - Brand Republic

The modern Tory hero should be Jefferson - Daniel Hannan and Douglas Carswell in The Spectator

This is no time for Cameronomics

A recession is when you most need an active government on your side - Johann Hari in The Independent

Shambolic Ruth Kelly exit rattles both Brown and the plotters

Ruthkelly_2 "The news [of Kelly's resignation], confirmed at 3am in a hotel bar, took the gloss off Mr Brown’s keynote speech, after which ministers had rallied to shore up his fragile position. But it also dealt a blow to the rebels determined to oust him." - The Times

Harman warns off rebels and praises delegates for loyalty - The Guardian

Does anyone really give up politics for family life? - Michael White in The Guardian

"The Blair and Brown eras succeeded in making the annual conference largely irrelevant. That could be reversed if Labour loses power." - Peter Riddell in The Times

Conference Star: John Cruddas - The Guardian

The design for the new identity card will be unveiled by Jacqui Smith today

Each card will carry a picture and a chip holding the person's name and date of birth, fingerprint record and other biometric data and detail the holder's visa status and right to work - The Independent

End of the Anglican crown

Princewilliam"Downing Street has drawn up plans to end the 300-year-old exclusion of Catholics from the throne. The requirement that the succession automatically pass to a male would also be reformed, making it possible for a first born daughter of Prince William to become his heir." - The Guardian

Primary pupils are to be offered free school meals in a pilot scheme intended to improve behaviour, cut obesity and promote healthy eating - The Times

The Queen has had her plea for millions of pounds of extra public money turned down by the Government - The Telegraph

Time to curb the ‘asset strippers and robbers’ who ruin the financial markets, say archbishops

"Leaders of the Church of England launched fierce attacks on the world’s stock market traders last night, condemning them as bank robbers and asset strippers and calling for a judicial review into Britain’s financial services. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York demanded stronger regulation and an end to speculation and living on debt. Dr Rowan Williams spoke out in defence of Karl Marx, defending key aspects of his critique of capitalism and gave a warning that society was running the risk of idolatry in its relationship with wealth." - The Times

4,000 more troops are needed to fight the Taliban, the British commander in Afghanistan said yesterday - The Telegraph

French company EDF's takeover of Britain's nuclear industry sparks fears of still higher prices on this side of the Channel - The Times

President Bush warns America’s “entire economy is in danger”

President argues that a failure by Congress to agree to his $700 billion bailout package would lead to a “long and painful recession” - The TelegraphHomer_simpson

Russia to ban The Simpsons and South Park

The Kremlin was accused of a return to Soviet-style indoctrination after Russia moved to ban American cartoons like The Simpsons and replace them with programmes teaching children to be patriotic - The Telegraph