Two stories published in the papers today reveal the extent to which the people of Britain are being dragged further into enslavement. The articles reinforce the belief that people in this country are now considered to be suspects unless charged with and cleared of an offence; and presumed guilty of heinous crimes unless they can prove their innocence... As you may have seen in recent days, the Polar Defense Fund's attempt to kayak from Europe to the North Pole ended in failure. Taking their lead from stories that at the height of the Arctic summer it would be possible to navigate open water all the way to the North Pole due to the extent of ice melt, an expedition was assembled. Lewis Pugh... There's been an influx of Brits lately taking it upon themselves to be going around `endorsing' Barack Hussein Obama as our president, and inferring that we're racists and cretins if we don't 'vote right .' The latest and most offensive is your Prime Minister..and I have a few words to say on the subject.... Things are not going very well and you know Obama is rattled when he can't even go on a friendly Sunday interview show like George Stephanopoulos' `This Week' on ABC without falling all over himself and committing two major gaffes and an outright falsehood in the space of one interview... Barack Hussein Obama has a long standing connection with the black seperatist sect the Nation Of Islam, with radical American Islamists and with the Saudis, and that alone ought to disqualify him in most American's minds for the office of the presidency.The pieces fit together in an interesting way....Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Britain's sleepwalk into enslavement
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Lewis Pugh's hopes realised in the Arctic
Posted on The Waendel Journal.Memo To Our Cousins In The UK - Mind Your Own Damned Business
Posted on JoshuapunditA Ba-ad Day For The Chosen One
Posted on JoshuapunditObama's Connection With The Nation Of Islam
Posted on Joshuapundit
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:24