Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Zealots Drop Global Warming for Climate Change
Faced with mounting evidence that the Earth has stopped warming and may have even begun to cool, and that neither phenomenon is caused by human activity, global warming zealots and fear mongers are increasingly using the more convenient catch-all "climate change" instead of global warming.
But China and India are wisely resisting the hoax, regardless of its name. India has flatly refused to accept the theory of manmade climate change; and China shows no sign of sacrificing its rise for the sake of lies.
Not the case in the United States, where the Democratic Party is still firmly committed to the Goring of the country, and the Republicans have been reluctant to challenge the zealots out of fear of appearing backward and anti-green.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid recently summed up the dumbbell Democrats' view when he said “coal makes us sick. Oil makes us sick. It’s global warming. It’s ruining our country. It’s ruining our world.”
Baloney. Soaring energy prices are ruining our world; and, contrary to what Reid, Palosi, Gore, and Obama would have you believe, the science of global warming is far from settled. More than 31,000 scientists, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed apetition urging the US government to reject limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other so-called greenhouse gases said to be causing climate change.
Unfortunately, the scientists are fighting an uphill battle because manmade global warming/climate change is both a scientific hoax and a political plot. The celebrity-driven campaign to tax and cap carbon actually aims to cripple US industry and transfer the country's wealth (a) to greedy global investment banks projecting a trillion-dollar domestic market in the buying, selling, and borrowing of carbon credits, and (b) to corrupt, Third World countries seeking massive subsidies and access to advanced technologies--without having to pay for them.Mad Scientists Play God
Foreign Confidential....
From our Swiss Radio correspondent comes a truly terrifying report about the arrogance and egoism of scientists with no spiritual foundations or religious restraints.The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has been more than a decade and billions of francs in the making. Scientists are set to switch on the LHC at 9:30 AM today, sending a beam of protons at high speed around a 27-kilometre tunnel under the Swiss–French border.
Eventually two beams of particles will be smashed together at almost the speed of light in the hope of recreating conditions immediately after the Big Bang more than 13.7 billion years ago. The aim is to establish a better understanding of the origins of the Universe, as well as to shed light on concepts such as dark matter and antimatter. Scientists also hope to find the elusive Higgs Boson or so-called God Particle, which is thought to be the mysterious factor that gives mass to matter.
But today’s much-anticipated launch has not been without controversy. Separate lawsuits have been filed in Hawaii and at the European Court of Human Rights in a bid to stop the experiment amid claims that the LHC will create black holes capable of swallowing the Earth. Some LHC scientists are reported to have received threatening emails and phone calls demanding that the experiment be halted.
CERN insists the experiment is safe, even though the downside risks--releasing catastrophic forces--clearly outweighs the dubious potential gains.
Most Internet-savvy people think of CERN as the institute that gave us HTML and the World Wide Web (the graphical Internet subset that transformed and eventually enveloped the clunky, text-based Internet). Now, that same organization is toying with forces beyond anyone's understanding and control. What have we come to as a civilization?Obama Affirms Support for Genocidal Ethanol
Dateline USA....
As if to confirm that he is a candidate of secretive special interests, Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama told farmers on Tuesday that he backs the federal requirement to use corn-based ethanol as a way to reduce reliance on oil imports, even though the government-subsidized, uneconomic gasoline additive fuels food inflation, threatens the world's poorest people with starvation, makes the air dirtier, and harms car engines.
Latin Americans and Africans are especially threatened by ethanol and its weaker sister, biodeisel--a government mandated and government subsidized petroleum diesel replacement that is made from edible soy oil and inedible but environmentally destructive palm oil. Obama's rich supporters include powerful (Muslim Malaysian) palm plantation owners and investors.
Just a week ago, the Republican National Convention called for an end to genocidal ethanol mandates, in line with the views of its nominee, John McCain.
Every half-way intelligent and semi-informed observer knows that corn-based ethanol is a cruel scam perpetrated by giant agribusiness firms, such as Cargill, the world's largest privately held company, and that Brazil's sugarcane- and sugar beet-based ethanol--kept out of the US by a prohibitively high tariff that Obama supports--is much more efficient.
It therefore boggles the mind that America's first African-American Presidential candidate has become a tool of the essentially evil and racist ethanol lobby.Losing Voters, Obama Calls Palin a Pig
Dateline USA....
Contrary to Islamist and left-wing forecasts, white women voters are deserting the Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama because of Republican candidate John McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate, according to a poll yesterday.
An ABC/Washington Post survey recorded that an eight-point lead Obama held over McCain before the arrival of Palin had turned into a 12% lead for McCain.
The trend is in line with other polls since Palin ignited the Republican convention.
Maybe this explains the trend; Obama yesterday dismissed McCain's selection of Sarah Palin as his running mate as putting "lipstick on a pig."Seven Years after 9/11, An America-Hating Pastor's Protege is Poised to Become President of the US
Dateline USA....
Five days after Muslim terrorists slaughtered nearly 3,000 innocent Americans on American soil, a Black Liberation theologian named Jeremiah Wright blamed--and damned--America for the awful attacks.
Seven years later, that man's protege is the Democratic Party's candidate for President of the United States.
It behooves every registered voter to vote for John McCain for President this November. America's security--perhaps its very survival--depends on a McCain victory
Wednesday, 10 September 2008
# posted by Confidential Reporter @ 2:55 AM
Posted by Britannia Radio at 19:24