WINSTON MID EAST ANALYSIS & COMMENTARY September 1, 2008 NEW Email: Please disseminate & re-post - with attribution. If you publish, send us a copy. Many of our articles appear on Websites at & Outgoing mail is virus-checked. To be removed from this list, send your Email addressURGENT!! STOP SECRET AGREEMENT! forwarded with comments by Emanuel A. Winston, a Middle East Analyst & CommentatorRead this and believe it. Many of us have been trying to tell you for a long time. Getting rid of Israel has been on the U.S. State Department agenda since before 1948. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, colluding with the Olmert government, are well on their way to accomplishing their goals.We have been betrayed by so many there is no room to make a list. Presently, it is the Olmert government, with Shas making a Faustian bargain with the devil. It goes back farther as we find Henry Heinz Kissinger playing a role.[See the attached articles from the Women in Green, via the Unity Coalition for Israel, Hillel Fendel of Arutz 7, by Tel Belman of Israpundit and by Professor Barry Rubin’s "Conspiracy to Shrink Israel".]Under President George W. Bush and Rice, it is America who is paying for a crime against the Jews of Israel.Pass all of this on to your Congressmen, the Media and the Christian Zionists.COMMENTARY BY EMANUEL A. WINSTON###
On Fri, 8/29/08, Women in Greenwrote: From: Women in Date: Friday, August 29, 2008, 5:35 AM
Subject: URGENT ACTION ALERT - Stop Secret Agreement
To:Unity Coalition for Israel
EXPLANATION Momentous negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are taking place virtually unnoticed while we are preoccupied with United States elections.A lame duck United States administration, very low in popularity polls, and an Israeli Prime Minister leaving office under a cloud of suspicion for corruption should not be making far-reaching Middle East policy decisions that will bind the next heads of State. Almost unnoticed by the media, the map of Israel is being dramatically altered.
The State Department with steady pressure from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is overseeing the demise of Israel. Twenty-two Arab countries are pushing for yet another Arab state to be carved out of the one and only tiny State of Israel. This is a recipe for Israeli self-destruction. Under the cover of U.S. presidential convention hoopla, Israel's future is quietly and surreptitiously being determined.
Please take a few minutes to send this important Urgent Action Alert to Prime Minister Olmert and the Knesset Members. Copies will also be sent to President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of State Rice, and the White House Jewish desk.
BACKGROUND ARTICLE: Rice Visit: PA State Closer than Ever by Hillel Fendel Arutz-7 August 26, 2008
( Negotiations between Israel and PA continue at a "crazy" pace, agreement on dividing Jerusalem is "closer than ever," and U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is pushing for a nearly-complete agreement on a Palestinian state in Judea and Samaria by January. So reports Aaron Klein of WorldNetDaily (WND).
Secretary Rice, completing a visit to the region today (Tuesday), has been pressing Israel to sign a document by the end of the year that would divide Jerusalem. Rice says Israel must agree to a Palestinian state capital in Jerusalem - Israel`s own capital - and a full Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
Despite official Israeli government denials, Jerusalem is thus very much on the negotiating table. The Shas Party, which has said it would quit the government if Jerusalem were to be negotiated, remains firmly in the government coalition.
The Rice Compromise: Israel Remains in Jerusalem for 1-5 Years
Klein quotes top diplomatic sources involved in the talks as saying that Rice has been pushing for a "compromise" between Israel and the PA that would involve Israel`s withdrawal from eastern Jerusalem, including the Old City, within one to five years.
The Israeli team, led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, is willing to conclude an agreement on a Palestinian state by the end of the year, but wants to leave talks to decide the fate of Jerusalem for a later date. The PA team, however, wants a deal by January on all core issues, including the Holy City.
The Rice compromise, the sources told WND, asks Israeli leaders to bend and agree to promise sections of Jerusalem to the PA - but not to actually withdraw before one to five years have passed. U.S. President George W. Bush would then, just days before his term in office ends, issue an official letter guaranteeing U.S. support for the agreement.
High Intensity Talks
WND`s Aaron Klein quoted an unnamed Palestinian Authority negotiator saying that the intensity and frequency of Israeli-Palestinian talks in recent weeks have been "crazy," and that the sides have been meeting on a daily basis, usually at the highest levels. The negotiator further said Jerusalem is being discussed by both sides, and that the two teams are "closer than ever" on coming to an agreement on the status of the city. "This claim wasverified to WND by other diplomatic sources involved in the negotiations," Klein wrote.
Reports of the past few months say that the Olmert-Livni negotiators are prepared to give up well over 90% of Judea and Samaria, as well as land for a "safe passage" between those areas and Gaza. This, despite the results of the withdrawal from Gaza three years ago, which include the takeover of the area by Hamas and incessant rocket attacks on nearby Israeli areas.
To Participate in the Action Alert, click on the link below to view the letter. You may use the letter as is or change anyway you like.
<>ACTION ALERT - Stop Secret Agreement
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green) POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380 Terror Pays, Capitulation Doesn’t By Ted BelmanThe seventies were witness to the Munich Massacre of Israeli Olympic athletes, the Yom Kippur War, the oil embargo, the PLO terrorist attacks on international airlines and airports, and finally the appearance of gun-toting Yasser Arafat before the General Assembly of the United Nations.Bat Ye’or studied this decade and set out her thesis of what was going on in Europe vis a vis the Arabs in her ground-breaking book Eurasia. Prof Paul Eidelberg summarized what it meant for Israel.1) European policy would be independent from, and opposed to that of the United States;
2) recognition by Europe of a "Palestinian people," and the creation of a "Palestinian" state;
3) European support for the PLO;
4) the designation of Arafat as the sole and exclusive representative of that so-called Palestinian people;
5) the de-legitimizing of the State of Israel, both historically and politically, its shrinking into non-viable borders, and the Arabization of Jerusalem.
Essentially Europe sold out its independence to the Arabs to avoid terror and a cessation of oil supplies. It agreed to the Islamification of Europe and to adopting the Arab narrative regarding the Palestinian cause.Recently, former Italian President Francesco Cossiga revealed that the government of Italy agreed to allow Arab terrorist groups freedom of movement in the country in exchange for immunity from attacks in Italy. Cossiga wrote that the government of the late Prime Minister Aldo Moro reached a "secret non-belligerence pact between the Italian state and Palestinian resistance organizations, including terrorist groups," in the 1970s."The terms of the agreement were that the Palestinian organizations could even maintain armed bases of operation in the country, and they had freedom of entry and exit without being subject to normal police controls, because they were ‘handled’ by the secret services,"Germany also capitulated to Arab demands at this time by releasing the Arab terrorists from jail that were captured in the aftermath of Munich Massacre. It only took a month. European countries and much of the elites there and in the United States claim that they sympathize with the Palestinians-or at least are far more critical of Israel-due to a sympathy with the underdog and a higher knowledge about how peace can be made and extremism defused. In fact they are motivated far more by fear (of being attacked themselves) and greed (for trade to the Arabic-speaking world and Iran).Often, implicitly or explicitly, it is suggested that, ironically, the experience of Jewish persecution had brought about this contemporary hypersensitivity to the suffering of the helpless underdog. In fact, though, the motive is the same now as it was then: hypersensitivity to the power and wealth of the persecutors.In this regard, during the worst of the suicide bombings on the streets of Israel, I wrote that anytime the European countries wanted to stop the terror in Israel, they could do so by withdrawing diplomatic and financial support from Arafat. This they never did.The USA was similarly affected by this mentality. Amir Oren reports CIA papers show Arafat ordered murder of U.S. diplomats in Sudan. These papers were recently released. Henry Kissinger instructed the CIA to continue diplomatic contacts with Yassir Arafat’s PLO representatives before the 1973 Yom Kippur War, even after Arafat ordered the kidnapping and murder of the American ambassador and his deputy in Khartoum, Sudan.The newly-released material contains, among other things, information on the Egyptian effort in the spring of 1973 to plead with the U.S., through Iranian channels, to reach a peace arrangement with Israel "on the basis of the Rogers plan," a withdrawal from the occupied territories captured in 1967 and placing them under international supervision.In a telegram Helms sent Kissinger - then Richard Nixon’s National Security Advisor - on July 5, 1973, Helms reported that King Hussein of Jordan told him that Jordanian intelligence had learned of a Syrian attack to recapture the Golan Heights originally planned for June, that had been delayed but could take place at any time soon. One of the Jordanian intelligence sources was the commander of a Syrian armored brigade, and the Jordanians had obtained a copy of the battle plans, which had been coordinated with Egypt and Iraq.The most sensational revelation in the documents was the contents of the diplomatic negotiations held between Robert Ames of the CIA and the head of the Fatah’s security apparatus, Ali Hassan Salameh, who was also the commander of the Fatah’s Black September organization.Since the contacts between the CIA and the Fatah were revealed, their purpose has been described as obtaining intelligence information to warn of terrorist attacks against Americans; but the Helms’ documents reveal that Arafat sent Salameh to the talks without hiding his responsibility for killing American diplomats in Khartoum in March 1973. Ames also agreed to Salameh’s requests and asked Washington about various diplomatic issues, such as the Nixon administration’s intentions relating to Palestinian interests.Salameh told Ames the PLO was working to topple King Hussein and establish a Palestinian state in Jordan. The response from Washington was: If the Palestinians want to negotiate a settlement, the U.S. would be happy to hear their proposals, but toppling existing governments through the use of force did not seem to be the most promising way.Arafat, for his part, was unmoved: He threatened, via Ames, that he would burn Beirut if the Lebanese government acted against the PLO.You will recall in my article The Conspiracy to Shrink Israel, I reported that, on December 17, 1975, Henry Kissinger met with Sadun Hammadi, Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs. A transcript of this meeting has been published which discloses Kissinger’s attempts to assuage the concerns of Hammadi. "Kissinger: I think, when we look at history, that when Israel was created in 1948, I don’t think anyone understood it. It originated in American domestic politics. It was far away and little understood. So it was not an American design to get a bastion of imperialism in the area. It was much less complicated: And I would say that until 1973 the Jewish community had enormous influence. It is only in the last two years, as a result of the policy we are pursuing, that it has changed,We don’t need Israel for influence in the Arab world. On the contrary, Israel does us more harm than good in the Arab worldWe can’t negotiate about the existence of Israel but we can reduce its size to historical proportions.You mentioned new weapons. But they will not be delivered in the foreseeable future. All we agreed to is to study it, and we agreed to no deliveries out of current stocks. So many of these things won’t be produced until 1980, and we have not agreed to deliver them then.If the issue is the existence of Israe1, we can’t cooperate. But if the issue is more normal borders, we can cooperate.Aide: Your Excellency, do you think a settlement would come through the Palestinians in the area? ‘How do you read it? Is it in your power to create such a thing?Kissinger: Not in 1976. I have to be perfectly frank. I think the Palestinian identity has to be recognized in some form. But we need thoughtful cooperation of the Arabs. It will take a year or a year and to do it, and will be a tremendous fight. An evolution is already taking place.Aide: You think it will be part of a solution?Kissinger: It has to be. No solution is possible without it. But the domestic situation is becoming favorable. More and more questions are being asked in Congress favorable to the Palestinians.Capitulation to terror didn’t save the US from 911, Britain from the subway bombing, Ames from being the victim of a terror attack and so on.Today the West continues to capitulate by trying to be politically correct rather than correct. Surrendering its values like free speech and the rule of law to Islam is just plain surrendering.The war on terror was a phony war from the get go. It was concocted in order to avoid the real war, namely, the war on Islam.It little profits a country to avoid terror if it loses its soul in the process.Islam represents a bigger danger to the West than the USSR ever did. The West never surrendered to Communism but everyday and in every way it is surrendering to Islam. Think of the West as a frog on a pot of water which is being heated to boiling. The frog doesn’t realize that its goose is being cooked and remains in the water to the end. Just as certainly, the West is allowing its goose to be cooked.By Ted Belman +1 416 256 7597
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Getting rid of Israel has been on the U.S. State Department agenda since before 1948. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, colluding with the Olmert
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