Saturday 4 October 2008

Biased BBC
Saturday, October 04, 2008
David Vance #


You can always rely on the BBC to spin stories to reflect favourably upon the EU. Take this nonsense that "Europe agrees bank crisis plan". Really? Well, what is the "plan" exactly? It appears to reduce down to an agreement to "work together" and "seek" a relaxation of rules. Oh, and Sarkozy has issued an unspecified threat against bank executives. I suggest that this is NOT a plan but rather the usual garbled gibberish which the EU has perfected and which the BBC then trumpets as something of substance.


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David Vance #


So, who to believe when it comes to understanding outflows of money from the UK to Ireland? The BBC is suggesting that there is nothing happening and no reason for any concern but others take a very different view. I wonder why the BBC is so determined to retail the notion that the Irish government securing 100% of savers deposits would have no impacton the UK money market. Any thoughts on who that might benefit? Answers on a postcard.


Comments: 4 (unread) - Biased BBC Home

Laban #

Suggestio Falsi ...

"Holocaust denier gets MP backing"

This is such a dishonest headline, sticking to literal truth while implying that Chris Huhne (in deploring an arrest in Britain, under EU law, for an offence which is not illegal in this country) is somehow 'backing' the (IMHO) eccentric view that the Shoah is "a lie". Mr Tobin is being extradited to Germany for what he has written on his Australian website.

I'll let Ross say it :

What part of free speech don't they understand ?

Obviously if he backed a Holocaust denier then he would be unfit for office, but of course that is not what he has done, he has simply made it clear that he regards free speech as being for everyone even if you disagree with them.

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