China Confidential
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Memo From an American Jew Who Plans to Cling to His Guns and Religion if Barack Hussein Obama Wins
You go into some of these small towns in Pennsylvania, and like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing’s replaced them. And they fell through the Clinton administration, and the Bush administration, and each successive administration has said that somehow these communities are gonna regenerate and they have not. So it’s not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
-Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama
This Jew will cling to his guns and his religion if (G-d forbid) Barack Hussein Obama is elected President of the United States.
Having grown up in New York City, on Manhattan's Upper West Side, during the turbulent 1950s and '60s, this Jew--a lifelong Zionist and National Rifle Association member--saw his neighborhood--in fact, his entire city--destroyed by left-liberal policies and ideology.
This Jew recalls the night when knife- and pipe-wielding, Black Muslims surrounded the brownstone building that housed the clubhouse, or moadon, of his Zionist youth movement chapter, and remembers well that it was the group's (legally owned and stored) arsenal of rifles--and willingness to use them in self-defense--that prevented a massacre of young Jews. This Jew also recalls taking part in armed patrols, approved by the local sheriff, to deter white hoodlums from burning down the youth movement's summer camp in Liberty, NY.
This Jew recalls the urban murderers who gunned down Jewish store owners up and down Broadway. The candy store owner who sold this Jew comic books and chocolateeggcreams--shot dead in cold blood--what was his crime?
This Jew remembers the terrifying screams of the Holocaust survivor beaten to death by a mugger in the lobby of a West Side apartment building.
This Jew remembers his friend grabbing a shotgun during the Great Blackout to defend the business his father, a survivor of the Auschwitz death camp, had built up without capital or credit, by the sweat of his brow.
This Jew remembers the nightmare that was New York when law and order broke down and left-wing intellectuals leaped to the defense of killers and rapists.
This Jew remembers riding the subway to high school carrying mace spray and nunchakusticks, and how one of his classmates defended himself against subway muggers with those sticks, while another classmate knocked an attacker out cold with the sticks--before the criminal could force his way into the young man's parents' apartment.
This Jew remembers when his elderly mother was almost attacked by a mugger in the middle of the day on Broadway near overly tolerant Columbia University, and how a tough, old-school fruit-and-vegetable store owner rushed to her defense waving a baseball bat.
This Jew remembers New York before the massive Muslim influx ... when 30,000 people gathered in Central Park's Sheep Meadow to salute Israel's independence day an hour after 100,000 New Yorkers had cheered and watched the annual Salute to Israel Parade.
In short, this Jew has no illusions about Barack Hussein Obama and what his ascendancy to power will mean for Americans in general and American Jews in particular: utter disaster.
-Ben Naftali
POSTSCRIPT: If Obama is elected President, these Jews will certainly cling to their guns and religion....
... Remembering how these Jews....
... And these Jews...
... And these Jews...
Clung to their guns and religion.North Korea's Dear Leader Surfaces; Israel Accuses Regime of Arming Six Mideast Nations With WMD
North Korea's lunatic Dear Leader Kim Jong Il, who is believed by South Korean and US officials to have suffered a stroke, has made his first public appearance in one and a half months, the North's official news agency reported Saturday.
Kim supposedly watched a soccer game held to mark the 62nd anniversary of the founding of Kim Il Sung University, the North's premier institution of higher education, named after Kim's father, who was founding president of the Communist state.
China Confidential intelligence sources say the individual who watched the game is an impostor. Kim died three years ago, analysts assert, and has been represented by one or more doubles since then.
Meanwhile, Haaretz reported Saturday that Israel accused North Korea ... of providing weapons of mass destruction to at least six countries in the Middle East that ignored arms-control commitments.
Israel's delegate to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) spoke as the 145-nation assembly of the United Nations nuclear watchdog adopted a resolution unanimously urging North Korea to reverse steps it has taken to revive its dormant atom bomb program.
Israel itself is the target of two hotly disputed Arab-sponsored draft resolutions in the assembly urging it to give up its alleged nuclear arms monopoly in the Middle East, join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and accept full IAEA inspections.
Israel said there were six Middle Eastern countries which had obtained the means produce doomsday weapons and ballistic missiles covertly from North Korea while ignoring commitments as members of the NPT and other arms-control regimes.
Click here to continue reading.A Vote for Obama is a Vote for Amerabia
Dateline USA....
This is no time for subtlety or nuance. Nothing less than America's survival is at stake. So let's cut to the chase.
Seven years after Islamists incinerated nearly 3,000 Americans on American soil, a mysterious, Muslim-born politician is poised to conquer the White House.
His name is Barack Hussein Obama, and he was born a Muslim according to Islamic religious law--a barbaric code that his violence-prone, Kenyan cousin, Prime Minister and opposition leader Raila Odinga, would like to impose on parts of his African nation as per an agreement with the country's Muslim extremists.
Obama claims to be a Christian; and although he belonged to a Black Liberation church and was spiritually advised by a radical Black Liberation minister for 20 years, there is no evidence that the self-style Candidate of Change ever formally changed his faith.
In fact, his Muslim stepfather, when registering him for school in Indonesia, listed his religion as Muslim and his citizenship as Indonesian.
Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation and a hotbed of Muslim separatism and Islamist terrorism.
Indonesians will dance in the streets if Obama is elected President of the United States.
Muslims all over the world will also celebrate an Obama victory, along with their tyrants and terrorists--Ahmadinejad, Khadafy, Hamas, and Hezbollah--who have endorsed or expressed support for the Democrat.
Surely, this is a sign of Allah's will and intervention, the Muslim masses will say. Surely, Israel's destruction and America's expulsion from the Middle East are at hand, the leaders will think.
But the biggest threat to America's existence will come from within--from the growing Muslim fifth column menace. Militant Muslims will be emboldened by an Obama victory; their advocacy groups will increase and intensify their drive for segregated spaces and special rights and privileges, the Constitution be damned.
Their stepped-up campaign will spell doom for Judeo-Christian values and principles.
The Islamizing of America, already underway, will accelerate.
Appeasement and accommodation will be the order of the day.
Mosques and Islamic centers ... funded by Saudi Arabia ... and the Saudi prince and American black Muslim extremist who apparently subsidized Obama's Harvard Law School education ... will rise from coast to coast.
Muslim headscarves will pop up like mushrooms on a country field after a rainy day.
No Jew will be safe near no-go Muslim areas. Attacks on individual Jews and Jewish institutions will become commonplace, following the Eurabian experience.
Churches will also be targeted. Churches located in semi-rural and rural areas will be safe; but Obama's economic policies will oppress and squeeze small towns and villages to near-extinction.
His anti-gun crusade will seek to disarm law-abiding Americans.
Christians and Jews who defend themselves against Muslim attacks will be prosecuted--and persecuted--to the maximum extent of the law. Muslim attackers will be "understood."
Rabbis, priests and ministers who dare to speak out will be vilified and hounded; imams and mullahs will be lauded and elevated.
The Bible will be ridiculed; the Koran, revered.
Islamist terrorism ... from mega-attacks to suicide bombings ... will become a regular feature of American life. The terrorists will swim like fish in Muslim areas, hide in mosques and Islamic centers.
No matter how bad things get, Obama (like Bush before him, unfortunately) will never revoke the visas of aliens from Muslim nations and end immigration from Muslim lands. On the contrary, Obama, (like Bush before him) will praise "peaceful and beautiful Islam" and encourage even more Muslims to flood America.
As the bombs go off, or course, there will be calls for "dialogue," because liberals love to dialogue, and pressure to address "root causes" and "legitimate grievances." The left/liberal playbook for this game was partially written by one of Obama's political mentors, a former ultra-left terrorist.
Vote for Obama if that is the America you want for yourself, your children, and your grandchildren. Vote for Obama if you want to replace the United States of America with the United States of Amerabia.Alaskan Heavy Oil Fields Have Great Potential
Dateline USA....
There is hope.
While perfidious, anti-energy, no-drill Democrats promote government mandated and subsidized schemes and dreams in order to "save the planet"--code for cripple America--real energy companies are developing domestic reserves of oil, the fuel that the world runs on and will continue to run on for the next 20 years.
A test of new technology to produce heavy oil on the North Slope has had encouraging results, BP Exploration (Alaska) Inc. said Sept. 29.
BP is tapping into a giant resource, containing about 20 billion barrels of oil.
Based on the success of the test, BP will drill three more test production wells in the coming weeks and will build a processing and test facility this winter that will be installed next summer at the Milne Point field.
Four more test production wells may be drilled the following year.
In related news, ConocoPhillips is preparing to test another technique for producing the cold, thick oil by warming the oil underground in a test well drilled in the Kuparuk River field, said Bowen Roberts, ConocoPhillips' manager for the project.
Heavy Oil Challenges and Potential
Heavy oil poses major technical challenges and is very costly to produce, but both companies believe there is good potential for production that can be sustained over long periods to help offset the decline in conventional light oil.
Heavy oil must be mixed with conventional crude to flow through the trans-Alaska oil pipeline.
Most of the estimated 20 billion barrels of heavy oil on the North Slope is in the Ugnu deposit, a shallow reservoir overlying the Milne Point, Prudhoe Bay and Kuparuk River fields.
As it sits in the rocks, some heavy oil will barely flow and much of it won't move at all. It has a consistency that ranges between maple syrup and shoe polish.
The companies have to do something to make it move.
'Cold' Heavy Oil Production
BP's approach, in its test project at Milne Point, is a technology called cold heavy oil with sand production, or CHOPS. It is a procedure being used to produce heavy oil in Alberta by Canadian oil producer Husky Oil Ltd. In one project there Husky is producing 150,000 barrels per day, according to Eric West, BP's manager in charge of the heavy oil project.
Heavy oil is being produced in California, Venezuela and Alberta, and the companies operating in Alaska are taking advantage of lessons learned in those places. Venezuela's heavy oil is a little lighter than Alaska's, and Alberta has oil that is heavier than in Alaska.
ConocoPhillips is taking a different tack in the Kuparuk field, using an electric heater placed down in the well to heat the heavy oil so that it will flow, said Bowen Roberts, coordinator on the project.
The test with the electric induction heater will be done in mid-2009. Roberts said it is aimed partly at testing the heater technique, but also at obtaining uncontaminated samples of the oil for laboratory analysis, Roberts said. Previous batches of heavy oil produced with diesel has been contaminated with the fuel, he said.
Alberta's Example
Such thermal production techniques to warm the oil are now being used in Alberta to produce heavy oil, BP's West said. One procedure involves injecting steam, with one well drilled to inject the steam and a second drilled nearby to drain oil that is loosened, West said. Companies in Alberta are also using heavy earth-moving equipment to mine very thick, heavy oil that is close to surface.
Surface mining has never been done on the North Slope because the oil is too deep and the surface disturbances would be unacceptable.
The North Slope companies also don't think the steam injection will work because of the amount of energy required to make the steam and the possible problems created as steam is injected through permafrost below the surface on the Slope.
BP's approach is to try to produce the oil without heating. The company's CHOPS procedure involves producing the oil without heating, and uses a novel production technique that essentially sucks loose sand saturated with the oil up the well with a “progressive cavity pump.”
BP has been working on the technical feasibility of heavy oil production for about three years, and ConocoPhillips has been working on it for more than a decade. The resource has been known for a long time but the technical and economic challenges are daunting.
“We know where the heavy oil is and where it isn't because we drill through it all the time to reach the deeper conventional oil reservoirs,” West said in a briefing on the project during September. “We know how much oil is in place with some precision. The question is how much we can produce.”
One of the big attractions of heavy oil wells, if they can be shown to produce commercially, is that they could last a very long time, much longer than oil produced from the conventional oil well.
Saturday, 4 October 2008
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Britannia Radio