Latest Poll of Marginals Has Labour Losing 164 Seats

Can Mandy save Gordon? After taking a post-conference break from politics for a day to reflect and re-charge, Guido can only see this appointment as an act of desperation. Mandelson is despised by three-quarters of his own party. He is a poisonous political operator. He repels voters and represents so much of what is wrong with politics.
The Labour loyalist pundit David Aaronovitch was asked what he made of the return of Mandelson, "I don't think I understand anything anymore" was his reply. The only way to understand this is to put yourself inside the mind of the politically weak Prime Mentalist. He needed to buy time. Bringing back Mandelson may buy off some of the former Blairites, hugging his enemy close. (Although if there is one person Charles Clarke hates more than Gordon Brown, it is Peter Mandelson). This won't be welcomed by the voters.
UPDATE : Have just noticed, and this must be a first, that Kevin Maguire shares Guido's analysis: "Gordon Brown's Bonkers Moment of Mandy Madness". Glad to see Kevin, just like Polly did, is finally coming round...
Tags: New New Labour