Consider this - If a million seconds is equal to 12 days, then a billion seconds is 32 years. 700 billion seconds is equal to 22,400 years, and a trillion seconds is 32,000 years! Now, let's pretend that there is no accrual of interest in the above equation...(which of course we know that there is)... And...substituting "seconds" for "Dollars" ...then and only THEN can we begin to get the general drift of the state of affairs we and our posterity are soon to find ourselves in. For one thing, it is apparent to all but the hopelessly insane that the Federal Reserve fiat currency of debt now in use is irredeemably doomed. There is NO way this debt can ever be repaid in FRN's without unleashing a catastrophic hyperinflation...And...since the US Dollar is the World's reserve currency, it is also a safe bet that things are about to get VERY interesting on a global scale. Cui bono? Well, that much is obvious...and it's not you or I. However, rest assured that none of this is an accident. (Neither is it an accident that the largest holder of physical gold in the world is the fiat fiduciary fraud known as the Federal Reserve) What we have metastasizing before our very eyes is a well planned, methodical, cabalistic social and economic engineering protocol on a scale that boggles the imagination of we who are mere mortals. And...the end result? Well, THAT will truly be a "New World Order" conceived in tandem with an economic feudalism (for the soon-to-be expanded troglodytes of the lumpen-proletariat) that will defy all attempt at it will also beggar the current modern definition of the same... And...the best part is.....It's coming soon, my a Planet very near to you. -Cliff
'Bailout' In Perspective
...Not to mention the cost of the current and
resultant increase in the national debt.
By Cliff Mickelson
Saturday, 4 October 2008
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Britannia Radio