china confidential
Saturday, October 25, 2008
US Reported Ready to Renew Relations with Iran
Foreign Confidential....
Peace in our time?
A stab in the back for Israel and John McCain?
Say it ain't so, George!
After surrendering to nuclear-armed North Korea, the battered and bankrupt Bush administration appears ready to throw in the towel and renew diplomatic relations with nuclear-arming Iran following the 2008 US Presidential election.
US recognition of Iran's monstrous, missile-mad mullahocracy--even under cover of a flawed and phony, North Korean-style nuclear deal--would completely undercut John McCain's opposition to appeasing the Islamist regime. Hence, the need for a November surprise.
Reports of the secret deal recall the Iraqi government's stunning support for Barack Obama's proposed date-certain withdrawal from Iraq, and lends credence to speculation concerning a so-called grand bargain between Washington and Tehran regarding a reduction of violence in the occupied Arab country (scroll down for the story)--i.e. the theory that Iranian control of Iraqi Shiite militias matters more than the US troop surge.
Haaretz reports:Several American media outlets reported on Saturday that President George Bush is likely to announce after next month's presidential elections that he intends to restore the diplomatic relations with Iran, almost 30 years after they were suspended.
Quoting U.S. civil servants, the reports said that Bush's decision to postpone the announcement until after the elections was meant to rid the two presidential candidates of having to deal with the controversial move.
In the first stage, the American administration allegedly seeks to appoint a low-level diplomatic delegation, and has already started the recruitment process.
Tehran has already been informed of the initiative, but its view on the matter remains unclear. Similar reports were published a few months ago, but the plan was then put on hold.
Click here to continue.Sarah Palin, Now More than Ever
Dateline USA....
Thank heaven for Sarah Palin. Now more than ever, the nation needs her passion for liberty, plain-spoken wisdom, and old fashioned common sense.
If only the morons who muzzled McCain and mucked up the Republican campaign would let Palin be Palin. Millions of ordinary Americans want to hear what the courageous and charismatic Governor of Alaska has been prevented from saying about the agent of change (and Islamic/Left influence), Barack Hussein Obama.
Unlike her running mate, Palin has resisted the urge to praise the Mysterious Mr. Obama, and appears poised to confront the false messiah and his lying stooge, Joe (the Senator) Biden, in the boldest, clearest language.
Palin won't back down. She stands for the working class instead of the welfare class, for wealth creation instead of wealth spreading, for the United States of America instead of the United Nations, for the forgotten left-behind of rural America instead of the urban lumpenproletariat and their sickening, limousine liberal defenders ... for law-abiding gun owners instead of law-breaking criminals ... for Judeo-Christian values instead of Islamo-Fascism ... for the State of Israel instead of the state of Palestine that the communist Bill Ayers and the racist Jeremiah Wright (and the Muslim supremacist Khalid Al-Mansour and the Muslim maniac-in-chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) want to establish after perpetrating a second Holocaust.
This New York Jew says: a vote for BHO is a vote (a) to disarm and defeat the world's greatest democracy, and (b) to destroy its most loyal and strategic ally.
-Ben Naftali
POSTSCRIPT: What's in a name? Palin is named for Abraham's wife, Sarah; Barack, as Chris Matthews and other members of the adoring mainstream media delight in calling the Democratic candidate, for Mohammed's miraculous horse.
POST POSTSCRIPT: Is Palin ready? Was Truman ready? Better another Truman as VP than another Carter--or worse--as President.
Sunday, 26 October 2008
Posted by
Britannia Radio