Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Anticipating an Obama Victory, Iran Hardens Stance
Foreign Confidential....
Proving that weakness invites aggression, Iran's monstrous mullahocracy has hardened its anti-American stance in anticipation of an Obama victory.
A top aide to Iran's Hitlerian monster-in-chief, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Saturday that the nuclear-arming, Islamist nation would hold talks with the United States only if its forces leave the Middle East and Washington ends its support for Israel.
Mahdi Kalhor, an adviser to Ahmadinejad on cultural and media affairs, told the official Iranian News Agency that as long as US forces remain in the region and the US backs Israel, talks will not take place.
The frontrunner in the US Presidential race, Democrat Barack Hussein Obama, has promised to meet with any foreign leader, including Ahmadinejad, without preconditions.
Obama's proposals for "aggressive diplomacy" and "engagement" with Iran (code for appeasement) are backed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, a notorious anti-Semite, who, as National Security Advisor to President Jimmy Carter, supported (some would say masterminded) the Islamist overthrow of Iran's pro-US, modernizing monarch, Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.Monday, October 13, 2008
Let's Drink to Character ....
With that in mind, this blogger (aka Confidential Reporter) finds himself drawn to Welles's flawed but fascinating 1955 film, Mr. Arkadin (aka Confidential Report). The story of an enigmatic international mastermind who claims to be suffering from amnesia seems to fit the zeitgeist.
Click below to watch a great scene, in which Arkadin (the Welles character) entertains an adoring crowd with that old scorpion joke that is still so popular--for good reason--in the Middle East.Kenya Mau-Maus Anti-Obama Author
Jerome Corsi, WND senior staff reporter and editor of Red Alert, has fallen ill after he was forced to endure detention at the hands of armed Kenyan immigration authorities.
WND founder and editor Joseph Farah said Corsi has arrived at his home in the United States and is now under care of a physician because he is very sick.
"Corsi is still recovering from his traumatic abduction at the hands of Kenya security officials who halted his planned press conference in Nairobi and denied him and his party food for an entire day before allowing them to depart for London," Farah said.
Click here to continue reading.
Question: What did Obama know about this and when did it know it? Was Obama's cousin, Kenyan Prime Minister and pro-Islamist opposition leader Raila Odinga, behind Corsi's abduction?
Will the adoring and mau-maued mainstream media (scroll down for the stories) question The Candidate of Change and/or his campaign commissars?WND: Bill Ayers Wrote Obama's Memoir
A blockbuster from WorldNetDaily....
Jack Cashill makes a compelling case that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote Barack Obama's first memoir, Dreams from My Father.The question is often asked why Obama associated with Ayers. The more appropriate question is why the powerful Ayers would associate with the then-obscure Obama.
Before Obama's ascendancy, it was Ayers who had the connections, the clout and the street cred. Ayers could also write, and write very well. By the mid-1990s he had several books published.
My suspicion is that Ayers saw the potential in Obama, and he chose to mold it. The calculation in "Dreams" is palpable. Nothing about the book would deny a black Democrat the White House. And if "Dreams" were beautifully written, it could launch a career.
As I have documented earlier, one thread that ties Ayers to "Dreams" is the repeated use of maritime metaphors throughout both books, a testament to Ayers' anxious year as a merchant seaman.
There is, however, a deeper thread, namely a shared postmodernist perspective. A serious student of literature, Ayers has written thoughtfully on the role of the first person narrator in the construction of a memoir.
In true postmodernist fashion, Ayers rejects the possibility of an objective, universal truth. He argues instead that our lives are journeys with "narratives" we "construct" and, if we have the will and the power, impose on others.
Thus, "Fugitive Days" is laced with repeated reference to what Ayers calls "our constructed reality." So, curiously, is "Dreams."
"But another part of me knew that what I was telling them was a lie," writes Obama, "something I'd constructed from the scraps of information I'd picked up from my mother."
Click here to read the entire article. It is must-reading, a terrific piece of reporting and analysis.Is the Obama Campaign Mau-Mauing the Media?
Dateline USA....
In the late 1960s, community organizers in American cities menaced and intimidated government poverty program administrators into paying protection money to the organizers as a way of avoiding race riots.
The New Journalist Tom Wolfe called this practice "mau-mauing," after the Kenyan revolt against British colonial rule. His 1970 book, "Radical Chic and Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers," which dealt with the themes of black rage and white guilt, exposed celebrity and high-society support for the Black Panther Party on Manhattan's Upper East Side and the mau-mau money extraction game as it was being played out in San Francisco. Wolfe's book was an instant classic; the terms radical chic and mau-mauing quickly entered the cultural lexicon.
Four decades later, a different kind of mau-mauing is occurring ... of the mainstream media ... by the Obama campaign. It has effectively intimidated the nation's editors, reporters, producers, and pundits to ignore or ridicule the most explosive story of the Presidential contest--the very real possibility that the Democratic candidate, Barack Hussein Obama, may be Constitutionally ineligible to serve as President of the United States, according to a serious lawsuit (scroll down for the story and video) that is making its way through the federal court system. The suit, filed by a Pennsylvania attorney, claims that Obama is neither a natural-born citizen nor a naturalized citizen of the US. As such, he is not even eligible to serve in the US Senate and should be deported, the plaintiff argues in the video interview. (The lawyer, Philip J. Berg, is a lifelong Democrat--and no lightweight. He is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania, and is licensed to try cases before the US Supreme Court.)
Obama could have cleared up the matter months ago by releasing an authentic copy of his birth certificate. Instead, his campaign leaked a forged Hawaiian Certificate of Live Birth; and Obama has referenced two different Hawaiian hospitals as his alleged place of birth, while his Kenyan grandmother has told interviewers that she was present when he was born--at a hospital in Kenya.
Adding to the mystery, Obama has also refused to release his medical records--he hasn't had a checkup in 16 months--and his undergraduate college records from Occidental College and Columbia University.
The mainstream media have played along ... apparently gripped by the fear of race riots in the US ... or, maybe, Muslim upheavals the world-over because the Muslim world looks upon Obama as one of their own ... if The Candidate of Change is disqualified on legal ... Constitutional ... grounds.
The story is worse than explosive. It is radioactive--way too hot to handle, even for Fox News, which favors John McCain.
China Confidential has learned that one network news TV talk show host recently went so far as to tell his colleagues that "a higher truth is at stake" in the race to the White House, that even if Obama's Indonesian stepfather had indeed adopted him and made him an Indonesian citizen, as stated on his Indonesian school certificate, and he had never been processed by US immigration or naturalized after being brought to live with his American grandmother in Hawaii, the Democratic candidate should still be considered a US citizen because he "has more than earned his citizenship."
Obama has "naturalized himself," the so-called journalist said.
Naturalized himself ... indeed! Did Obama also rebirth himself?
Maybe this reporter got it wrong: the Obama campaign doesn't have to mau-mau the media; they are mau-mauing themselves.
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
If only Orson Welles was still alive to make a film about The Mysterious Mr. Obama. The search for a defining secret of a powerful man was a favorite Welles theme, starting with his 1941 masterpiece, Citizen Cane.
WND reports that
Dateline USA....
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